New Zealand outdoor thread 2013/14 (all kiwis post!)


New Member
Hello my fellow New Zealanders. love it how u said ''for the brothers'' CRAZY KIWI 420, any room in here for a green fingered sister? lol. Love seeing everyones posts and progress. Ive got four girls in the garden at the mo. 1 White widow (big mama) 1 iced grape fruit and 2 blueberrys. they've all got ther own names and own identities, been on holiday for the last two wees looking forward to getting home tomorrw and seeing my babieswidow.jpg


Active Member
Ha... I'm sure we can make some room ya kiwichick, but only if you bring your girls :) Do you have problems with your plant laying on the ground at all? Which strain is it in the pic? And where in the land of the long white cloud are you?


New Member
Lol thanks :) currently in the beautiful bay ov plenty but hme is in the manawatu. In between the 2 alot. That one there is a white widow. No problems with having her tied to the ground. Its just bcoz ov the neighbours. They dont mind. But I don't want to be "too out ther"


Well-Known Member
Hey everyone! Just got back from Auckland. The weather down here has been amazing, high 20's and 30's towards the end of the week with 32 yesterday! High overnight temps aswell. My plant will be going crazy because even the vegetable garden has gone mental lol The temps are going to back of a bit now though but what an amazing run of weather. This thread is primo, I like how there are so many kiwis on here. Everyone's plants are looking awesome.

CK - Yours look amazing the Malawi's just look like a straight jungle and the Panama look like they've recovered well hows the bugs going? Good weather up there? :-D

mattskiBOP - Awesome plants mate I love the pink hairs on the indica!

JTW - Couldn't view your frisian pics?
kiwichick - Your in Manawatu? Im in the Wairarapa so itl be good to see how your plants come out down our way :weed:

Ill put an update of mine up on Monday when I go and water and feed it. Ill have to do more ball picking but hopefully everything's looking good! Heres a picture of it in the mean time from 6 days ago.
Anyone notice the brown bug on the right sunbathing? lol



Well-Known Member
sugartown express samples are in. i have been smoking this already and i have to say i love it.

this is the OG pheno, still smells like rocket fuel and sweet and sour candy.

^^^^^^ i dont know if this pic does them justice but the buds are simply white with resin^^^^^^^^^^^^

the smoke on this is simply amazing, there is an immediate physical effect, a strong pressure right between the eyes which quickly spreads through the body and relaxs every muscle. while the body high is immediate the head high is a real creeper, at first i thought this was going to be all body but as time progressed i got higher and higher, after half an hr i was wandering around the house dazed and confused laughing at myself for doing stupid shit. cant wait to smoke out the boys, i know this is going to be one of those smoke sessions where no one makes sense for a while but everyone is pissing themselves at the random shit coming from every ones mouths lol.

this is the second pheno, didnt smell much through the grow but the dried product has really surprised me. its super citrusy, very orange in smell.

this one is much more of a staiva effect, the flavour is surprisingly rich and the smoke on this one is very smooth with very little lung expansion, this one has a similar effect on the first hit but instead of the pressure between the eyes you get a real warm blanket feeling that starts on your forehead and sweeps over your head. the high isnt as intense on this one, not so much dazed and confused just very easy and happy with a big smile on my face the whole time. really feeling music on this one. i swear i could feel the music and i caught myself doing stupid little dances around the loungeroom while i was cleaning the house.

i really cant wait to try the sativa dom pheno, i really think its going to be very nice but so far the OG pheno is a A1 keeper. i dont think its ever leaving my garden and im going to find it hard to part with the second pheno either. in fact i think they will all get a second run and see if that helps me decide
Drooooooool that shit looks so tasty bro I know those exact highs your talking about! :weed:


Active Member
Nah I'm not in welcome bay i just heard crazykiwi mention it earlier. I haven't really done much growing so i don't really have a "way" i do yet. I've just been using whatever i can get(random seed) til i suss my grow skills and spots. Maybe then I'll look at ordering some good genetics. I'm actually hoping to just meet with local peeps to swap seeds/cuts. J day in a couple months away... anyone?


New Member
Nice LETSTRIP! You dont take all the cab leaf off? Ive noticed frm a few photos on here not alot of ppl do. Whats everyones ideas on that? Personally I like to skin mine right back. I dnt think it stunts the growth? Usually chuck it to a mate to make oil out ov it for a quick little earn.


Active Member
hey kiwichick, ive got a mate down here that ties his down in the vege garden like yours, middle of town and its stealth as and they seem to yield bloody well too, very little popcorn bud as the light gets right o the base. I do a bit of pruning/ defoliating knocks them for a day or 2 then they go nuts, sorta gives them a wake up call to veg a bit more. just don't do it after a few weeks in2 flower as it can effect yield.

matski j day sound great but the 1st satday in may is a very important day for duckshooters across NZ


New Member
Dankdope- totally agree with u. I usually gv thm a good feed up with something high in nitrogen straight after trimming them back. Works a treat. The photo above doesnt really do me justice on the tying down aspect az it was an Indoor mother so by the time I put her in the garden she was waist high and hard to pin dwn but usually I start pinning dwn when theyr young train them to grow along the ground. I think it gives them ooomph makes them even more determined to grow towards the sun/light


Well-Known Member
Nice LETSTRIP! You dont take all the cab leaf off? Ive noticed frm a few photos on here not alot of ppl do. Whats everyones ideas on that? Personally I like to skin mine right back. I dnt think it stunts the growth? Usually chuck it to a mate to make oil out ov it for a quick little earn.
Do you mean like cutting of the excess foliage etc? This is my first ever grow :-D


New Member
yes all the extra foliage, im only a newbie, but ive always thought that the plant is using extra energy, nutrients etc to feed those cabbage leaves that arent needed

aussie originals

Active Member
remove the leaves or dont remove the leaves its really a personal thing. i know tons of growers who remove all the leaves before flower and they get great results, i personally like to leave as many large fan leaves as i can.

my thinking is based on nutrients and deficiencies in particular. there are 2 types of elements the plants need for growth mobile and immobile elements. Some of the mobile elements are calcium, magnesium, nitrogen, potassium, phosphorous. Some of the immobile nutrients are zinc, iron, boron and sulfur.

basically all those mobile elements can be moved around the plant at will. so if something happens and your plant isnt getting enough of the mobile nutrients from the roots then it will move them from the leaves to power up new growth. this is why the mobile nutrients like calcium and magnesium etc show signs usually low down on the plant on the fan leaves first and gradually move up the plant. the plant is drawing nutrients from the older more shaded unnecessary growth to power new growth. this is healthy.

if the plant is not getting enough of an immobile nutrient it cant move them around this is why when we get an iron deficiency etc it first appears in the new growth and will more rapidly stunt a plant.

with all that in mind i like to keep my fan leaves as back up generators, the plant isnt really using any energy to keep them there, the energy was all expended while growing them but now that they are large leaves they serve as big lungs for the plant to breathe in co2 and they also soak up any ambient light that lands on them despite being shaded.
and in case of an emergency like i cant get to my plants to feed them or a ph imbalance or something i know they will have these leaves which act as stores for all the mobile nutrients so they can use them if needed. if i take them all away and something goes wrong my plant wont be able to draw on those supplies and any forming buds etc will be affected/stunted more quickly.

once again thats just my opinion i know lots of growers who remove nearly all the leaves and there plants go mental so im not saying there is a right or wrong way just thought i would share my ideas on the subject.


Well-Known Member
Hey kiwichick, always room for a green thumbed sister lol, rare as for a girl to be growing by herself well I've never heard of any solo chick growers ha.
I like the way you've trained your plant for stealth, a 10 ft plant aint going to down well in a neibourhood, unless you're in the real outbacks of NZ. any pics of the Blueberry?. good to see more people with proper strains, our outdoor genetics are at an all time low and needs to be brought back!

Letstrip - man the weather has been pretty average up here lately, sunny/cloudy days with high humidity. Glad you're plant's going good man, I've heard of early ripping from frosts already!.
I think the sun is stronger down there at the moment but we get advantage of the sun peak being later in the season. we had no frosts last year, hope for none this year.
The Malawis will be big but I'm not going to update or visit them for awhile because of those dickheads growing there putting everyone at risk. Funny how a december plant can turn into a 14ft monster by the end, Malawi is a psyco strain outdoors - it can handle any weather in veg or flower from what I've seen, peace of mind for later in the season.

Ordered some Earth juice Volcano bat guano for flower nutes later in the season, pretty excited to use this stuff. Earth Juice kicks ass. Full organic is the way for outdoor growing imo.
Am I the only one using rain crystals? I don't know about you guys but I'm not keen to be frequently watering my plants leaving tracks and shit everywhere lol.

I don't agree with stripping main leaves/fan leaves if you have a primo spot outside with all day sun, maybe if you only get top light(growing in forestry) mostly everything photosynthesizes outside except maybe the very bottom leaves but each to their own I guess and no ones right or wrong, at the end of the day marijuanas an art.
Indoors though I definitely strip the bottom of the plant because it useless putting energy into buds that don't get proper light. What's everyone using for flower nutrients?.


Well-Known Member
Nice LETSTRIP! You dont take all the cab leaf off? Ive noticed frm a few photos on here not alot of ppl do. Whats everyones ideas on that? Personally I like to skin mine right back. I dnt think it stunts the growth? Usually chuck it to a mate to make oil out ov it for a quick little earn.
Do you strip them back indoors? I've gotten some serious results from that if you do it right though, takes years of practice to get it fully sussed I reckon.
I guess it depends on the plant?, my sativas would suffer from all the fan leaves being stripped off especially the panamas because they get diagonal sunlight til 7:30-8 and they're not wide plants either. I can see how stripping back some leaves would be good for a trained plant like yours.


New Member
Hi CRAZY KIWI. Nw that u mention it. I dnt knw any female growers either. Im really young too. Grow everything tho. Veges to fruit trees. Im just really tight with money. Stuff paying twenty bux fr a ratchet sized tinny. Now alot of ppl are on that synthetic shit. Yuck. Can c why tho. -easily available, cheap.
Did anyone here win the big 26 mill? Or at least a slice ov the pie?
I'll post pics up of my girls tmrw. Havnt seen thm in 2 weeks hopefully they've gone BAM!
Yep I do strip all the cab leaves off indoors too. :)
Where did u get the Malawi and panama strains frm CRAZY KIWI ? Theyr real tall and thin ay? Different. Looks to me like a definite outdoor strain? Or do u grow them indoors too. Cant wait to c the final product