Newb Closet Coco Grow, 400w MH+HPS

mared juwan

Well-Known Member
White Lady gen 3 clone: 57 days flower
Jock Horror: 41 days flower
Bubblicious: 38 days flower
White Lady gen 4 clones: 20 days flower
JH gen 2 clones: 1 day flower
Bubb gen 2 clones: 1 day flower
White Lady gen 5 clones: 1 day veg

It's graduation day! The vegging Bubblicious and Jock Horror move to the flower room and rooted White Lady clones move to their new pots in the veg closet.

Since the White Lady in early flower decided to go all Hakeem Olajuwon on me, I lowered them down (again) and spread them out some more.

The Bubbs and Jocks go on the shelf behind their mothers - only temporarily of course.

White Lady gen 3 - pulling into the station

I thought this was interesting. I left a tiny little growth at the very bottom of the plant. With the 600 watter it is actually fattening up pretty well :Very Happy: Look at that wee budlet peeking around those big branches. Hey there, little guy.

Jock Horror - OMG this is awesome

Bubblicious - starting to impress... a lot.

White Lady gen 4
- just adorable

Veg Closet - just transplanted these White Lady clones a couple hours ago. Two began to wilt severely so they get their own cubicles.

On a veg related note, I found out why I've been struggling so damn much with the younger plants. The rumors are true. AN Monkey Juice goes bad after 3 or 4 months. The Part B coagulates into rock hard little chunks in the bottle. I didn't think too much of it so it took me a while to put it together. Tiny amounts (5 EYEDROPS per gallon!) of grow nutes would burn and f@ck up even well established seedlings and clones but as soon as I switched to flower, plants that were uckly ducklings in veg became beautiful swans LOL. Since I've been using up flower nutes at a far greater pace than the grow nutes, the liquid never has a chance to solidify in the bloom bottles. To test my theory I switched up my veg nutes to Botanicare Pure Blend Pro - 20mL per gallon right off the bat after a good flush - and the plants in veg recovered almost immediately. The fact that they have any leaves left in the pics above is amazing considering their sorry state a few days ago. I like what the Monkey Juice does for me in flower plus I have a buttload of 1 liter bottles sealed and waiting to be used so I'm gonna stick with it for bloom. But for veg, for me, for now and the foreseeable future, it's Pure Blend Pro



Well-Known Member
:clap::hump: MARED bro....The strains are incredible...Really interested in the jock...What the high like? This is one of the most organized and well thought out grows and is exciting to watch....I like ur rotation shelves... Ive had to incorporate them into my grow as well when i run out of room in my tubs... I always have some in soil lol! I love ur shit man....
Im switching to liquid karma when the kool bloom is gone cuz its also organic and goes well with the pro series...actually its made by botanicaire....DUDE AWESOME man thanks for the porn!

mared juwan

Well-Known Member
:clap::hump: MARED bro....The strains are incredible...Really interested in the jock...What the high like? This is one of the most organized and well thought out grows and is exciting to watch....I like ur rotation shelves... Ive had to incorporate them into my grow as well when i run out of room in my tubs... I always have some in soil lol! I love ur shit man....
Im switching to liquid karma when the kool bloom is gone cuz its also organic and goes well with the pro series...actually its made by botanicaire....DUDE AWESOME man thanks for the porn!
Thanks. Yea I was cursing the shelf at first but it is really coming in handy now. This is my first time growing both the Jock and Bubblicious. I've been a one strain wonder thus far so I don't know how the Jock smokes. Should know in about 3 weeks!

mared juwan

Well-Known Member
I should also add that the Jock has the most heavenly smell and is my favorite strain of the three I have for that reason and the fact it is so easy to grow.


Well-Known Member
U need to keep me posted on the jock... Also am converting my soil grows to ur coco method lol.... Mad respects brotha keep up the good work!


Well-Known Member
oh man. lookin reall nice man. damnnn lookin juicy. i bet you walk around with the biggest smile on yo face. i know i would if i had those ladys.


Well-Known Member
since you use coco is that way it takes 2-3 days for yours to dry and mine a week since i use soil? or is it just because diff strains?

mared juwan

Well-Known Member
since you use coco is that way it takes 2-3 days for yours to dry and mine a week since i use soil? or is it just because diff strains?
My bad, I'll answer your question only a week later LOL. Yea it's the coco. It's like a sponge almost. More air space than soil so it dries out quicker.

mared juwan

Well-Known Member
Here's a few choice pics in no particular order.

Mixture of Jock, Bubb, and White Lady. See if you can tell which is which!!

Chopped and dried White Lady

Things are going great. ONA machine is still kickin and far exceeding expectations. I can now for sure recommend to everyone considering it. I can also recommend the Botanicare PureBlend Pro for veg. Remember my ugly plants in veg from before. These are WL clones that have had nothing but Pureblend. Much better.


mared juwan

Well-Known Member
You totally can. I don't exactly grow hydro but coco is pretty close and I'll help you as much as I can. You've already got a good start and I wanna see those strains you've got when they're in full flower.

mared juwan

Well-Known Member
Really? What happened, man? That seems kind of sudden. I know there's a lot of people over there that will miss you. But it's cool. Do what's right for you.

Do you have a journal over here? I haven't seen it.