NEWB looking for advice


Active Member
Hey everyone,
I am a complete newb, and have literally no idea how to begin this adventure
I'm pretty tired of paying such exorbitant prices for my medication, and have decided to start producing my own
My problem is as I said, I have zero knowledge, and am hoping someone can point me to something akin to "Cannabis Growing For Dummies"
I tried this a number of years ago, but ended up :wall:
I appreciate any help I can get



Well-Known Member
Read all the "stickys" in the Newbie section...
If you have never grown anything...
Read somemore...
and "Good LUCK!"


Well-Known Member
your enviroment is every thing when it comes to plants so 1st thing is get all the gear you need to that,get your self a grow tent 120x120x200 is a decent size to stat with then your gonna need a 400-600w hps with a dual spectrun bulb a 4" intake fan to bring in the air from outside your tent,then u gonna need a 5"-6" extractor with a filter to take the air out an stop the smell if ur not to botherd about the smell sack the filter but i would use 1,an a good fan to' get a hygro themometer so you can keep an eye on ur temp an humidity,your temp needs to be inbetween 75-80f 85f max an humidity in veg needs to be 40-70% now humidity can be hard to control depending on were you live in the world,here in the uk my mate has been having problems with 20% an that will affect the plants,he has just got a mini fogger that has sorted the problem just in time,the plants start to look as if there overwaterd an the leaves curl under an the edges start to dry out an go brown an work there way into the leaves due to low RH this is very bad for the plant so keep it under control when ur flowering the RH needs to be low so u don't get bud rot so 20-40% is great for flowering,just don't overwater or over feed the plants or you will no about it,alot of newbies see there plant leaves curling under an drooping an they think they not waterd or fed enough so they put more on to the plant that is a no no ur making a small problem a bigger problem,only water when the pot is light or put ur finger into the soil about 2" down an if it dry they need water roots are ok for a bit with no water cause it makes them look for it so they grow searching for it,if u do over feed it then ur gonna need to flush out the feed by giving it 3 times the amount of water to the size of ur pot so if u have them in a 5 liter pot then u need to flush with just water 15 liters u with me then let it dry out an give water again let it dry then start back on ur feed but never give what the bottle says that is for fully mature plants start with a very very weak mix an build it from there a bit at a time,i hope this helps you a bit,YOU WILL NEVER MEET A GROWER THAT DON'T HAVE PROBLEMS that how we all learn...good luck try going on theres some good growers on there that will always help u out


Hey everyone,
I am a complete newb, and have literally no idea how to begin this adventure
I'm pretty tired of paying such exorbitant prices for my medication, and have decided to start producing my own
My problem is as I said, I have zero knowledge, and am hoping someone can point me to something akin to "Cannabis Growing For Dummies"
I tried this a number of years ago, but ended up :wall:
I appreciate any help I can get

Well you came to the right site to get help that's for sure lol , i have a few pics on my page of my rooms if you want to see what a super low cost set up looks like that Works Perfectly and i can anwser any questions about my set up so that you get the best help you can get :) i'm new to growing too , but i have had a lot of help from a lot of Pros and a lot of time spent learning hands on in there grows, its a good hobby to get into and helps the Body and mind deal with the Bullshit from every day life and the pain of "stress".


Well-Known Member
Best of luck in your endeavors and welcome, you've come to the right place for help, all you have to do is ask, we're all here to assist.


Well-Known Member
Good luck on your grow !
I too would recommend reading some of sticky posts in the newbie section. Lot of good info!

Once you get some general info, you would be better off developing some specific questions - then we can all help !
I would recommend you consider:
- what is your budget?
- how much space do you have?
- stealth grow (need to hide your grow area & control noise)?

You can start with some bag seeds & CFLs, work your way up to T5, get some quality seeds, then cloning, HID lamps, and scrog away !


Active Member
I have a seizure disorder from a severe head injury some years ago, and chronic pain from the other injuries incurred in that accident
I don't tolerate opiates well and stopped taking them altogether and need an alternative for pain management and hopefully I can reduce or discontinue the seizure meds
It will have to be a stealth grow. I have a fairly large garage, and have decided to build an 8' x 8' grow room inside as I can't grow outdoors or inside my home (my kids have no access to the garage)
I have a medium duty dehumidifier, a bathroom sized exhaust fan that I can duct outside with a carbon filter setup thru the old wood stove chimney, starter pots, 2 and 5 gallon buckets, an oscillating fan, and several CFL's that I will hang on an adjustable rack
I've decided on soil as a medium for now as money is an issue (i've been fighting those sob's @SocSec for 3 years trying to get the money I PAID into the system)
I have seeds I've collected from some of my past purchases which will have to do for now (i only found one now and again and it wasn't half bad stuff)
After I build my room and get it up and running, I can afford to get seed from elsewhere (any recommendations?)
Is the smell as potent as I've heard?
How many plants should I be trying to grow in an 8x8 space?
Is ordering seed a fairly safe thing to do considering they come from overseas? I don't need any government slugs knocking at my door if I can help it
I appreciate everyone replies and will have more specific questions when I get the rest of my supplies together

Herb Man

Well-Known Member
[FONT=&quot]Look up books by Ed Rosenthal as a good start point.

The Closet Cultivator is the one I had for years before my first grow.

Also there are plenty of grow journals on here you can follow.

Also, there are plenty of You Tube tutorials.

After doing all of the above, you get a pen and pad and write down everything you are going to need, then price it up and of you go, learning every step of the way.

But do your due diligence first.[/FONT]


I have a seizure disorder from a severe head injury some years ago, and chronic pain from the other injuries incurred in that accident
I don't tolerate opiates well and stopped taking them altogether and need an alternative for pain management and hopefully I can reduce or discontinue the seizure meds
It will have to be a stealth grow. I have a fairly large garage, and have decided to build an 8' x 8' grow room inside as I can't grow outdoors or inside my home (my kids have no access to the garage)
I have a medium duty dehumidifier, a bathroom sized exhaust fan that I can duct outside with a carbon filter setup thru the old wood stove chimney, starter pots, 2 and 5 gallon buckets, an oscillating fan, and several CFL's that I will hang on an adjustable rack
I've decided on soil as a medium for now as money is an issue (i've been fighting those sob's @SocSec for 3 years trying to get the money I PAID into the system)
I have seeds I've collected from some of my past purchases which will have to do for now (i only found one now and again and it wasn't half bad stuff)
After I build my room and get it up and running, I can afford to get seed from elsewhere (any recommendations?)
Is the smell as potent as I've heard?
How many plants should I be trying to grow in an 8x8 space?
Is ordering seed a fairly safe thing to do considering they come from overseas? I don't need any government slugs knocking at my door if I can help it
I appreciate everyone replies and will have more specific questions when I get the rest of my supplies together
Look into getting R4 Clones or seeds, there the best for pain, and i do mean PAIN!!! there low THC , Ultra high CBD,


Let me tell you something and listen good. All you need is 1 thing. Go to Home Depot go pick up osomocote 14-14-14 dump a couple tbsp in your soil feed with water/molasses I use hi-brix u can get it on amazon. Your pulling lb if you want brew up some organic tea and feed once or twice but that's it. Marijuana for dummies no hassleibg with expensive bullcrap you won't get fatter buds anywhere else it's 5$ a bottle cheers mate


Well-Known Member

It is called weed for a reason. It VERY much wants to just have to help it along. Don't think that it is difficult because it is not. If growing with and participate on the cfl sub section of this site. (CFLS require a lot of adjustments to get optimal results...but you CAN get optimal results despite what the mh/hps crowd will say) For ease I would personally recommend a 250 or a 400 watt hood light that comes with a mh bulb and a hps bulb. Far less adjustment...and easier to adjust when you do need to.

I started with CFLS btw. I was able to pull a solid 2 ounces per plant in 3 gallon flower pots using cfls. When I got a mh/hps hood...that only increased by about 1/2 ounce per plant. So REALLY it is not "crucial"

If you buy from a seed bank (the attitude, hemp depot, sea of seeds are all good banks) look for traits that you desire.

1. Low odor in growth perhaps.
2. Ease of growth (beginner friendly)
3. High CBD %. (pain relief)

I'd look at northern lights x skunk. (x = crossed)

but in general you will want indica based plants. (tend to have higher CBD%...tend to be easier to grow too)

Herb Man

Well-Known Member

I started with CFLS btw. I was able to pull a solid 2 ounces per plant in 3 gallon flower pots using cfls. When I got a mh/hps hood...that only increased by about 1/2 ounce per plant. So REALLY it is not "crucial"

If you buy from a seed bank (the attitude, hemp depot, sea of seeds are all good banks) look for traits that you desire.
How long were you typically vegging for?


Well-Known Member
I generally vegged 3 to 4 weeks. I never wanted monsters. My target finishing height was 3 foot max. Then I discovered cropping...using a screen...etc.

But that is not for this thread.


Active Member
Let me tell you something and listen good. All you need is 1 thing. Go to Home Depot go pick up osomocote 14-14-14 dump a couple tbsp in your soil feed with water/molasses I use hi-brix u can get it on amazon. Your pulling lb if you want brew up some organic tea and feed once or twice but that's it. Marijuana for dummies no hassleibg with expensive bullcrap you won't get fatter buds anywhere else it's 5$ a bottle cheers mate
Explain hi-brix if you would. I know it's an organic fertilizer, but I'm doing my due diligence before I start the grow


Well-Known Member
what do you want ? an easy button ? It's all here, Just do some reading . I used to stay up nights on end figuring it out. I wouldn't of thrown up the easy button if you had posted in the newbie forum and at least tried to do some research on your own instead of asking for it on a golden platter.


Well-Known Member
I have a seizure disorder from a severe head injury some years ago, and chronic pain from the other injuries incurred in that accident
I don't tolerate opiates well and stopped taking them altogether and need an alternative for pain management and hopefully I can reduce or discontinue the seizure meds
It will have to be a stealth grow. I have a fairly large garage, and have decided to build an 8' x 8' grow room inside as I can't grow outdoors or inside my home (my kids have no access to the garage)
I have a medium duty dehumidifier, a bathroom sized exhaust fan that I can duct outside with a carbon filter setup thru the old wood stove chimney, starter pots, 2 and 5 gallon buckets, an oscillating fan, and several CFL's that I will hang on an adjustable rack
I've decided on soil as a medium for now as money is an issue (i've been fighting those sob's @SocSec for 3 years trying to get the money I PAID into the system)
I have seeds I've collected from some of my past purchases which will have to do for now (i only found one now and again and it wasn't half bad stuff)
After I build my room and get it up and running, I can afford to get seed from elsewhere (any recommendations?)
Is the smell as potent as I've heard?
How many plants should I be trying to grow in an 8x8 space?
Is ordering seed a fairly safe thing to do considering they come from overseas? I don't need any government slugs knocking at my door if I can help it
I appreciate everyone replies and will have more specific questions when I get the rest of my supplies together
If you are on a budget, don't want the kids knowing, and have never done this before, I do not recommend spending the money and effort on an 8x8 room. I've done this venture before, and it's a huge fuck up. 900 bucks down the fucking tubes, man. The room was totally tits, but only got used for like 6 weeks before I realized I had no idea what I was doing and that room was not going to work for me at all.

Build a cabinet on wheels, nothing to big. This is something you can always always use! If you build an 8x8 later down the line, you will still find a purpose for this smaller cab. I recommend something EASY AND DISCRETE!

Like all my friends here on RIU are saying, watch some Youtube, and much more importantly READ A BOOK AND STUDY STUDY STUDY, treat it just like any other college course if you want to be successful. You have to be a good student. Observe and ask about as many cabinets or grow rooms as you can and base yours off successful designs you think would be convenient for you! If it isn't convenient, it isn't going to get your full attention!

2x4x5 is a great size growing space for anyone growing for personal needs. If you are successful, you will have enough abundance to bring to the clubs, and they'll be giving you the donations for once. A 2x2x2 or 3x3x3 space is more than enough veg room accommodate this kind of cabinet, and can even be placed on top or on the bottom of the cabinet. I've seen them share the same exhaust fan on a budget without problems, I've also seen it cause lots of problems. It's all about learning enough so you can have semi-educated guess on what technique will work for you.

It does not matter if you plan on taking my advice on the smaller cabinet, or if you decided to make an 8x8 room, you must do the research to prevent yourself from making a very expensive mistake! You may very well want to go in a completely different direction than any of these ideas, and that will be the best decision if your situation calls for it. But you won't know unless you read.

Think about the huge electricity bill and the expensive equipment it will take to fill and power a 8x8 room, that is as much as 4000w in light bulbs alone!

Do not use bag seed to start either, if buds have seeds in them it could have been from a genetic mutation that could be passed on to you, and diminish your yields/quality. you may want to consider purchasing clones. You can even purchase one or two clones, grow them large in the vegetative stage (no buds) to gain experience, and then clone those to get your desirable crop size. If it's a 2x4x5 flower cabinet you want to fill though, it's cheap to but a few 7-15 dollar clones. If you don't know what clones are, look it up. lol, sorry.

Seeds from a reputable seed company do not need to cost a lot of money, and they will not carry pests or disease from other grow rooms like clones might. 40-60 bucks plus shipping and some wait time. It's rare that customs gets a hold of them. You can get them from some dispensaries, but they often over charge, and it's hard to find a dispensary that even has any.

Best of luck to you my friend, I hope you take this more as friendly advice, I do not mean to lecture. After you've made some decisions and research, and still have questions, I am always open to help through private messages.


Well-Known Member
ahhh jozikins you took all the fun out of ribbing the newbie... jozikins helped me out a lot. He definitely knows whats up. i'll never forget that SFV bud ! I so want a cut.