newb saying hi


well ive been lurking the forums now for a while and have now finally decided to give this grow thing a try.....i have germinated 5 seeds, just as a experiment to see if they would and they did..1 i did a few days earlier than the rest and it is already sprouted and is about an inch tall.I have only my desk lamp on them now which is 25w cfl. the question is will they survive the week till my ordered 150 hps arrives or do u think that these will die and ill have to start new ones.any info/advice would be greatly appreciated.
also i have not consrtucted my grow box yet how small can i make it while still keeping heat at bay


Active Member
it should be fine, how far is the cfl from the plant itself. it's not going to take a month for your light to come is it?


Medical Marijuana (MOD)
welcome and yes that will be fine. just water them for a couple weeks don't feed them yet. and i would get a soil with no fertz in it.


thank you for your replies guys, okay so i went to home depot and got a 50 watt hps security lite so i can have my desk lamp back.i have everything setup under my sink right now and its stayin at about 83-85..its very dry here tho . so here is my next question.. i do i remove the renolds wrap on the little seedling once it is sprouted or leave it to keep humidity lv. the first sprout looks like a bean sprout still ...hasnt really made leaves yet. i see tiny tiny specs where i think leaves will start..
the second one the sprouted kinda went limp after i removed cover and had light for a day.