LOL- at the banter.
Dudes plants looks small , but green and healthy. His growing medium does appear a tad suspect or maybe his light or ...... but so far Tranksie they look healthy.
Maybe if you gave more info about your grow specifics the cloud would clear. IE_ SOIL, LIGHTS, NUTES, did you clone them , get clones or germ them.. BLA BLA DERKA DERKA DERKA
BTW- for all your knuckles, i DONT know shit either.......I am growing for the first time also , got clones ( EASY ) planted in nice juicy FOX farms and lets them bitches floss.
Even if you didnt feed them but used fox farms ( or the like ) you could grow some OK chronic.
Give 'em light, soil, water and food.
The intricacies lay between the lines.