Newb timeline Q


Active Member
im sure this has been asked before and is kinda a dumb newb Q but how long a process usually from seedling to harvest? and from seedling to flower? and from flower to cut? i know these times will vary and am just looking for an approx guideline any advise will help


Well-Known Member
Ok, all the info I'm giving you is based on SeeMoreBuds' book "Marijuana Buds for Less"

From seedling to flowering, was 16 days. He forces it to flower early. In the book he notes "The complete life cycle from germination through flowering can take more than 20 weeks"

From flowering to harvest was 52 days. Meaning, counting the 16 days of seedling to flower, he harvested on the 68th day.

If you can, I SERIOUSLY recommend getting is book. It's AWESOME. It like a grow journal, where every day he tells you what's going on, what he did, and shows you pics.