newb using canna coco, leaves are twisting and deformed. Toxic salt buildup maybe???

  • 12 Grand Daddy Purples
  • Currently in veg under 1 400 watt MH
  • Growing in 100% Canna Coco (nothing else has been added)
  • Using Canna A+B, Rhizotonic, & Cannazym according to Canna's feeding chart. Feeding/watering about once every 3 days ph'd to as close to 5.8 as I can get with a dropper ph test kit (kind of difficult to gauge using the color chart). I have not flushed at all.
I received these cuttings from a friend of mine on 6/19. I had 100% take root 8 days later. I pre-grew them in 4 inch pots for a week to get a nice root ball started, then transplanted to 3 gallon pots on 7/6. So basically they've been in veg for about 2.5 weeks; 1 week in the 4 inch pots and about a week and a half in the 3 gallon pots.

A few times when I've watered, I've spilled water/nutes on a few of the leaves. I didn't know at the time that this would cause nute burns on the spill sites. I'm now much more careful when I water and if I do spill any, I'm sure to wipe the nutes off with a paper towel. That being said, some of the leaves look twisted and deformed. Most of the leaves look fine but there are a few leaves on almost each plant that looks funny. The leaves droop towards the end of the night but they are really perky in the morning. I heard that you don't have to worry about toxic salt build up with coco but I'm worried that this is what is going on. Can anyone tell me my problem here?

My tallest plant is about 5.5 inches and my smallest is about 4 inches.
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So this leaf has a hole in it that ended up splitting the leaf. This is also one of the leaves that I had spilled nutes on as you can see.

This is one of the new growth leaves growing at the bottom of one of the plants. Looks deformed to me.

The ridges in the middle look funny to me.

Close up of the ridges.

Two leaf tips at the bottom of this picture look like they just melted off. (or maybe something bit them off but I don't have any animals)
Close up of the same leaves.

The twisted leaves.

Spots but I think that this is from nute spillage.

Should I flush with water? Any suggestions from anyone who has used coco?


Well-Known Member
to be perfectly honest with you, i never used cannas lines, but i have used many nutrient brands and never ever come close to using label recommended dosages, if your going by the label here, your plants look too young. i also have never used coco, but know a few people who need to pre-treat it depending on brand, if not treated before use they get whacky PH...this is what i have been told, but on the bright side, your plants look green and healthy, i would cut back on the nutes and give them a chance to straighten out, in my experiences too much ferts too soon gave me twisties and looks like mutants


Im using Coco right now and Im seeing the same thing I will have to post some pics. Mine have been under lights for 14 days and Im seeing deformed leaves and looks like heavy salt on the bottom.


I have the same problem but im using pre treated grodan cubes,drip 3 times per day with TECKNAFLORAL nutes at 50% of the recommend strength ph 5.8 to 6.0 temp 78 degrees solution tep 78 degrees plants are 2 weeks old with verry good ventalation. The problem started with one plant and has slowly spread to 8 plants. I have not found a fix to the problem so im cutting nutes to 25% to see if that helps. It might not be coco if im having the same problem with different nutes and media. Im thinkin too much ferts too soon. hopefully someone can help us soon. I googled my problem and also found the the twisting can be caused by over watering, or the lights being to close can confuse the plant. doubtful in my case but who knows.
I have the same symptoms on my plants which are in week 4 veg stage. some of the leaf edges curl upward. One of the eight plants is growing WAY faster than the rest and has purple on the stems which is a sign of toxic salt build up. this plant is like a freak of nature. Ive tried to flush with ph perfect RO water but the purple wont go away. how long should I flush for? should I fill up the rez with pure water or simoply add the water to the old rez water at the end of the week? or should i soak the rocwool by hand? How many days should I flush for? Is four times a day at 4 minutes apiece a good feeding schedule?