Well-Known Member
A hydro store will have it.
A hydro store will have it.
It's a supplement. I use the grow more line ( Armor kote) but it's for hydro. I'm sure there is something out there for soil. But then it can be used with coco so don't see why you can use it just in a different dose.
No. But you need to add it to your water first. Why what is your soil ph? 6.5-7.3 is ok. 6.8 I think is best.
You can use baking soda to bring it up as well.
No. Just mix it in your water. Lemon juice works as a down too. For just a few plants in soil there is no real need to buy the up and down. How are you checking your soil ph? Your water? Run off? Or do you have the soil ph kit? I would say go to your garden store and get the 4 or 5 pack of testers. You just put a little soil in each fill with water shack let settle and add the caplet. Shack and each one will give you everything you need. Ph, N, P, and K. It's easy and cheep. No expensive meters needed. And ph drops to test water. So for 25 bucks you know everything.
I forgot potalsiium, any other house hold stuff i can use
This is a great thread... Thanks for the info everyone
You look good on potassium. The vains of your leaves don't look yellow to me. Potassium silicate is different. That is what helps strengthen your plant. It's derived for minerals so I don't know if there is a home remedy. There might be but I'm unaware of it.
Oh almost forgot. If your low on N and low on ph. The coffee grinds I said befor works. Kills 2 birds with 1 stone. But if your high in ph add hard wood ash. This is for soil guys only. Don't want hydro noobs adding ash or coffee to there res.
I can see them but need a closeup of any nods showing signs of sex. If no signs your not 2 weeks in.
ill take some later on tonight do you know where i could get cheap clones?