newbie cfl grow


Active Member
Hey everyone so i am a complete newbie when it comes to growing so any comments on improvement would be greatly appriciated! my buddy gave me a couple seeds hes not sure what extatly they are though unfortunately. i will post a few pictures so everyone can get a look at what im working with here. one plant is just about 2 weeks, and my other is 2 1/2 days. If anyone could suggest some nutrients that would be great, and also i currently have them on a 23 on 1 off light scheduel when would be best to change that up?



Well-Known Member
What kinda soil are you using? It might have had nutrients in it already in which case you wont need to feed anything yet. If your soil had nutrients then it probably has enough food for a month or two. You don't need any fancy expensive nutrients to grow pot. Miracle Grow will work, generic nutrients will work, you don't have to spend $20 a bottle for nutrients.

What spectrum are you lights? Your lights need to be closer to your plant then that. Im guessing those are probably somewhere between 26w and 48w bulbs, those need to be around 2 inches from the plant. Basically put your hand on top of the plant and get the lights as close as you can before it gets uncomfortable, that's how close they should be. CFL lumens drop by 1/2 after 2-3 inches, so they need to be kept close.


New Member
I would stick to one of either of these: 24 hours of light....or 18hours on/6 hours off....Until flowering in which you go 12/12.

I will be watching this one for sure. :)
Best wishes man....Get a fan or two in there for good air circulation for sure. ;)

Feel free to spout out questions.


New Member
You see those little yellowish balls in your medium? That is time released water activated nutes my friend. If you intend to use the same soil through out the grow, the need for additional nutes is quite low.. I would probably not add anything until flowering if at all. During flowering the need for N drops and raises for P. So I would look for a decent nute with that in mind and give her small doses starting about week 3 of flowering. Just my humble opinion. The other suggestion I always give is to read, study, plan, and act when it comes to growing. There is a wealth of great info on RIU. Also there are wonderful grow videos available on's one to start with. Best of luck to you!



New Member
^This man speaks the truth.

--->He hit the nail on the head....Throughout my last grow I did hundreds of hours of research before, and during all of my growth phases....PREVENTION of problems is key, but WHEN you run into can always come to riu to ask for some help....

and there are some amazing people here/threads! Use that search bar. ;)


Active Member
Right now I am using miracle grow, with 6 26 watt Cfls and 2 fans as well. Also as of right now it is about low 80s in the room is that to high? Appriciate all the help so far everyone just want my baby's to be the best they can... Helpful video thanks!


Active Member
can anyone help me with when the best time to transplant is? and if it would hurt to change the soil to something better, if any suggestions on soils that would be awesome.


Active Member
can anyone help me with when the best time to transplant is? and if it would hurt to change the soil to something better, if any suggestions on soils that would be awesome.
Go to the Organics thread, in Subcool section, and look up his Super Soil Recipe... you want something closely resembling that.


Well-Known Member
can anyone help me with when the best time to transplant is? and if it would hurt to change the soil to something better, if any suggestions on soils that would be awesome.
transplant when you think your babies are strong enough! I usually do mine when the leaves are bigger around than the container they are in. As far as soil goes, the lighter the better, you want something with perilite in it :) I use Fafard 1 pv growing mix from my local garden supply store.


New Member
transplant when you think your babies are strong enough! I usually do mine when the leaves are bigger around than the container they are in. As far as soil goes, the lighter the better, you want something with perilite in it :) I use Fafard 1 pv growing mix from my local garden supply store.
Yeah....Here is the soil I use....I love it! It has enough goodies in it to keep your plant healthy without having to add nutes for a good month or so.
View attachment 1959920View attachment 1959922 FOXFARM's "Ocean Forest"....Natural and Organic.


Active Member
i am planning on transplanting very shortly, how big of a pot will i want next if i want her to be a healthy size? and would it be a problem to change soil now too?


New Member
i am planning on transplanting very shortly, how big of a pot will i want next if i want her to be a healthy size? and would it be a problem to change soil now too?
I would say that you can get away with a 3 gallon minimum....but I would recommend a 5 gal. pot. for full potential.

-And yes, you would be fine transplanting now...just be SUPER careful with the roots....and understand that after you water her back into the new soil, she WILL be under shock for a few days and may be slow to grow during that period.


Active Member
so here are some updates about a week later, i think they are making good progress but always like some feedback. also if anyone could fill me in on whether or not trimming would be a good idea, i have been told both yes and no so any tips on this would be great.


very nice sir. I wouldn't trim. but I like small lollie like trees. plus im a noob and just watch others to learn. but i will subscribe here and keep tabs. good luck and good smoking toyou and yours.


Well-Known Member
Looks like you did a nice job with the transplant ~ look very green and shiny :) That means they are happy and healthy....kudos:weed:


Active Member
im not sure of the strain it is they were a couple of seeds my buddy gave me, i feel like the inner leaves dont get enough light since the plant is so bushy but then again i am just a noob. if i were to trim which leaves should go?