Newbie!! Could do with some help plz!!!!


New Member
Hi everyone, New grower here an I'm having some slight probs any help offered will be gratefully received.....Ok here goes...
Got 3 Kush on the go an 1 Blue Cheese my 3 girls are about 4 week old they were doing great an then BOOM !!!!! 2 of them have seriously drooped an turned a lighter shade of green I fear that I have over watered them an am on the 1st day of not giving them anything except light(of course) Photos will be uploaded soon I have done loads of reading on the forums an feel this seem to be the case....How often should I be watering an feeding them?? I Know
this I a basic ? bit every one does it different would like some opinions Thanks in advance


Well-Known Member
Hi everyone, New grower here an I'm having some slight probs any help offered will be gratefully received.....Ok here goes...
Got 3 Kush on the go an 1 Blue Cheese my 3 girls are about 4 week old they were doing great an then BOOM !!!!! 2 of them have seriously drooped an turned a lighter shade of green I fear that I have over watered them an am on the 1st day of not giving them anything except light(of course) Photos will be uploaded soon I have done loads of reading on the forums an feel this seem to be the case....How often should I be watering an feeding them?? I Know
this I a basic ? bit every one does it different would like some opinions Thanks in advance way to help you in any meaningful way without pictures hon.

peace, bozo


Well-Known Member
as jabozo said pics really, though you could also say if your watering schedules changed, what soil you running? as if its been in same dirt for the 4 weeks you might need to start feeding, theres a few things it could be m8,


Well-Known Member
Stick your finger in the soil, if it is still damp half way down your finger than you wait to water until the soil is dry. Another way is to determine by the weight of your pot, but I would always go by the first. If your leaves are drooping then you are over watering your plant. As time progresses you will know how much your plant drinks and how often to water. Like my current plant drink a half gallon every 2 days.

It is possible to kill your plant by loving it to much.


Active Member
If your in some decent soil and there only 4 weeks in I would doubt it would be a deficiency of any kind so would guess over watering, if you are in large pots this is also harder to judge. Just let them dry out and be more careful when watering. If in doubt buy a cheap moisture meter with a probe to check the soil moisture lower down before watering. Make sure your drainage holes are clear and not blocked also.


New Member
Ok guys so this is the u see they have seriously drooped!! Took these pics yesterday I got my temp at 78 with the fan on them
they are in 10 litre pots I'm still seeing new leaves appearing so this gives me some hope How much longer should I strarve them of water for an what
about their feed is that ano no also?? My wee baby in he back corner of the picseems to be doing good that was my second attempt at a blue cheese


Well-Known Member
...yeah, that's not a pic, this is a pic.

...try and understand that we aren't asking for pics so we can ogle your plants, you have a problem and some of us might be able to help you if only we can actually see what's going on, ...those 'pics' you posted are so small they are virtually useless.

peace, bozo
Hi, I would like some opinions on using hydroponics versus other systems. What I had in mind is using something like this here: . I know this is an expensive way to start but do you think I would be able to produce 4-8 oz per plant using this system? Is there anything else I would need besides the clones to start this? Would you have a rough idea of an electric bill with just this system? Would I be able to harvest within 3 months? I would like to start with a good strain with high yield potential that can be done start to finish in 3 months. Your thoughts and ideas are very much appreciated.


Well-Known Member
this is called 'jacking' someone elses thread, short for 'highjacking', and it is considered bad form.

if you have a question you should go to the appropriate forum and start a thread of your own, ...i'd recommend you start with an introductory thread in the new comer section.



Well-Known Member
Karen what nutes how much nutes whats your ph of waterbyour giving after if any nutes are given. What lighting are you using etc. More info equals more help. More (bigger better ) pics will be more help then anything