NEWBIE final yield first grow (pics)


Well-Known Member
Helooo everyone, the attached pics show my first harvest. The box is a large shoe box (for ladies boots).

This is my first grow, I used Hydro in a grow tent.


600watt metal halide lamp, PH 5.8 -6.2 throughout, watered on a drip system 3 times a day, LAMP ON 18/6 for veg and 12/12 for flowering. Flushed for the last 7 days of flowering. Used Cannadian Express Nutes.

Grew from seeds, started on 1st feb 2009 and harvested on 1st June 2009.

Had nine plants in total, only three turned out to be females. All Afghan Gold strain.

My HOT tips for all Newbies:

1. Read this forum well before you start, I learnt everything from this site.

2. Bought all my equipment from e-bay for around £300.00.

3. Check your PH throughout the grow. I checked weekly (i couldnt believe how much the PH fluctuated). I think this is fundamentally one of the most important factors. Get this simple part wrong and your fu*ked regardless of whatelse you do. get a digital PH meter. Bought from my e-bay for £2.50.

4. If you have ANY questions no matter how dumb you think it is, just ask, the people on this site are bloody marvelous and helped me so much. Particulary when i was flowering i asked opinions on how much more time i should allow them to flower.

5. If you are growing from seed, buy Femanised seeds to prevent wastage or better still clone.

6. Flushing definatly made the end result better - i know there is some debate about this, but for me it made a big difference. I was taking small cuttings from one of the flowering plants because i was desperate to try and it tasted shit. After flushing they tasted lovely.

7. I didn't use C02, but on sunny days I placed the plants outside for a few hours and i think this made a difference, they were noticebly looking more healthy after a stint in the fresh air.

8. Resist telling anyone at all about your grow, keep it a secret because there are people, even those close to you, who will say stuff and it might come back to you one day.

9. Give your plants love, affection and time, resist cutting bits off to smoke before they are ready - i didnt resist and the cuttings i took were crap, bugger all THC content and tasted rough. The longer you leave it the better they will be.

10. And lastly when people on this site help you, give them respect and a big thank you's. Everyone here is doing this for the love of smoking and helping other individuals - no one is getting paid

11. Oh and lastly (apologies in advance if this upsets anyone but i had to say it) - I admire anyone who has a faith but I am a total atheist. Im not a nutter or anything, well groomed middle class white colour worker who understands that that this universe is much much greater and more complicated than the Bible's story of a creator. My one point to anyone who beleives in a creator is that the Bible says that God created everything in seven days, roughly 6-10,000 years ago. But we have masses and I do mean masses of evidence to suggest that the earth itself is at least 5 billion years old (there are several atomic clocks that all point roughly to the same date) this coupled with massive fossil evidence and the now DNA evidence. To beleive that the earth was created 10,000 years ago and that all the fossil evidence and DNA evidence is rubbish is to me maddness. Like i say i wholly respect anyone who follows a faith and I would never talk down to them or try and talk them around. But look at it like this : If it were in a Court of law and you were arguing the case for either God or a universe that has evolved of billions and billions of years, the God theory has a book ( for which we have no way of authenticating) and science has millions of bits of evidence - who do you beleive?

That's it got my rant over with, happy growing friends.



Well-Known Member
Helooo everyone, the attached pics show my first harvest. The box is a large shoe box (for ladies boots).

This is my first grow, I used Hydro in a grow tent.


600watt metal halide lamp, PH 5.8 -6.2 throughout, watered on a drip system 3 times a day, LAMP ON 18/6 for veg and 12/12 for flowering. Flushed for the last 7 days of flowering. Used Cannadian Express Nutes.

Grew from seeds, started on 1st feb 2009 and harvested on 1st June 2009.

Had nine plants in total, only three turned out to be females. All Afghan Gold strain.

My HOT tips for all Newbies:

1. Read this forum well before you start, I learnt everything from this site.

2. Bought all my equipment from e-bay for around £300.00.

3. Check your PH throughout the grow. I checked weekly (i couldnt believe how much the PH fluctuated). I think this is fundamentally one of the most important factors. Get this simple part wrong and your fu*ked regardless of whatelse you do. get a digital PH meter. Bought from my e-bay for £2.50.

4. If you have ANY questions no matter how dumb you think it is, just ask, the people on this site are bloody marvelous and helped me so much. Particulary when i was flowering i asked opinions on how much more time i should allow them to flower.

5. If you are growing from seed, buy Femanised seeds to prevent wastage or better still clone.

6. Flushing definatly made the end result better - i know there is some debate about this, but for me it made a big difference. I was taking small cuttings from one of the flowering plants because i was desperate to try and it tasted shit. After flushing they tasted lovely.

7. I didn't use C02, but on sunny days I placed the plants outside for a few hours and i think this made a difference, they were noticebly looking more healthy after a stint in the fresh air.

8. Resist telling anyone at all about your grow, keep it a secret because there are people, even those close to you, who will say stuff and it might come back to you one day.

9. Give your plants love, affection and time, resist cutting bits off to smoke before they are ready - i didnt resist and the cuttings i took were crap, bugger all THC content and tasted rough. The longer you leave it the better they will be.

10. And lastly when people on this site help you, give them respect and a big thank you's. Everyone here is doing this for the love of smoking and helping other individuals - no one is getting paid

11. Oh and lastly (apologies in advance if this upsets anyone but i had to say it) - I admire anyone who has a faith but I am a total atheist. Im not a nutter or anything, well groomed middle class white colour worker who understands that that this universe is much much greater and more complicated than the Bible's story of a creator. My one point to anyone who beleives in a creator is that the Bible says that God created everything in seven days, roughly 6-10,000 years ago. But we have masses and I do mean masses of evidence to suggest that the earth itself is at least 5 billion years old (there are several atomic clocks that all point roughly to the same date) this coupled with massive fossil evidence and the now DNA evidence. To beleive that the earth was created 10,000 years ago and that all the fossil evidence and DNA evidence is rubbish is to me maddness. Like i say i wholly respect anyone who follows a faith and I would never talk down to them or try and talk them around. But look at it like this : If it were in a Court of law and you were arguing the case for either God or a universe that has evolved of billions and billions of years, the God theory has a book ( for which we have no way of authenticating) and science has millions of bits of evidence - who do you beleive?

That's it got my rant over with, happy growing friends.

nice harvest for a first time grow... pretty impressive for sure... how much dried weight was it?? buds look nice too.. what strain??
lots of good tips in there too.. lots of them... just gotta ask.. what brought up the religion one?? just outta pure curiosity... im with you as far as it goes.. just wonder what made you add it in.. its really sort of random..


Active Member
Haha yeah !

I totally agree with the religion comments too, but wonder why you chucked it in there so randomly :)

Peace :bigjoint:


Well-Known Member
Not sure on how much dried weight, will weight it later an re-post. Strain is Afghan Gold. As far as religeon I guess it's beacuse there has been alot of stuff on UK TV recently celebrating the anniversary of Charles Darwin. I have always been an atheist of sorts but watching and reading so much stuff recently has just got me going. Hey we all like a good rant from time to time and my poor wife is hacked off at all the stuff i come out with about religeon and Darwin so this is my only oppotunity. For me there is nothing wrong in following a religeon and I firmly beleive if thats what makes you feel good then go for it, nothing wrong in that. But having two young children who are just starting school I worry that fundamentally the biggest scientific discovery ever is hardly being taught in schools. Sure faith and stuff is important and learing about others beleifs makes the world interesting and teaches us tollerance but the lack of understanding in schools about evolution and just how stuff works is a concern.

For me Darwin was just the person who brought the worlds attention to what nature was doing and how it worked, he's not sopme deighty figure. He was a scientist how open his eyes and realised that nature wasn't just ploncked down by some creator and never changed. Species have been adpating, changing and evolving for millions of years, thats what it does, like it or not there are masses upon masses of evidence, stuff you can actually pick up and touch that proves that species have evolved over millions and millions of years. The evidence is over whelming but some religeous people just dont want to open their eyes. Man i would be really happy if someone who has faith says I understand that evolution is REAL and that the earth is wasy way older than the Bible says, may they still beleive but they understand nature.

Nature and the Universe is to me a massive wonderful thing that simply couldnt have been created by a God. It's so complicated and wonderful and it is forever evolving.


Well-Known Member
yea a good rant is good once and a while.. here's my 2 cents worth to add..

i have always had 2 big problem with religions...

first there are so many.. IF the earth was created by some higher power then wouldnt there only be 1 supreme being.. not one or more per religion?? i mean if you all cant agree on how many gods and even who the god really is what sort argument can you really give for them??

and secondly, no one seems to see that religion was used more as a tool of control than anything... it was used in a more simpler time where the fear of death or being outcasted was much worse than it is now... im not saying those arent still fearfull things.. but back then they were about the worst things to happen to you.. so they used religion to control the masses...

i think religion itself is bad... although i in now way shape or form will tell someone they are stupid for being religious.. but i do think it is better to have ideas rather than beliefs... beliefs are set in stone.. they are final... if you believe something/someone, then thats the end of it.. until proven wrong.. but religion seems to be one of those things that no matter what, if you believe, then there is no alternative.. but to have ideas is so much simpler.. ideas can change... they can evolve... they dont start wars... people dont die over ideas.. its when you turn those ideas into set in stone beliefs that problems arise...

having hope and faith are good.. and i know thats what most religions are ultimately about.. having hope and faith... but if you are blinded by that hope and that faith from the truth then you become a sheep... you become a follower... and thats not good..

look, i believe there is something more.. i dont think that life ends here... i'd like to think that we transend on some level to something else... but i dont believe that the earth, or the never ending universe, was created by one being who was really bored with his his eractor set one day and decided to create life....


Well-Known Member
Well said simpsonsampson420. Many religeous people are 'blinckered' to what else is happening in the Universe. Dinosaurs are a good argument. I dont think there are many people on this planet of ours that would say there is no evidence for these massive creatures that lived around 600million years ago, but the Bible says the earth was created after this time??? The point is that the timing is wrong and the small fact that religeous books/texts never mention the dinosaurs or even refer to them. Some religeous people say that the dating methods we use are flawed and that skeletol remains are not enough proof of their existance, but i would say that the dating methods we use to date remains are pretty accurate and have been proved over many years to be that and the remains of creatures that existed 600million years ago is as about as good as evidence as you would want (other than the living breathing thing itself of course).

My last point is that i have seen many arguments by religeous people that the Human Eye is so wonderful and amazing that it could NOT have evolved from nothing it must have been 'created;' or 'designed'. My reply to to this is that the Human Eye and the rest of the human body is by no means 'perfect', we have cataracts, a blind spot, colour blind people - it's less than perfect. Same as the rest of the human body, it has so many flaws - ask any women who has been through child birth!!

Fossil evidence has proven that the eye has evolved at least 80 seperate times throughout the animal kingdom, our eye is no more no less wonderful than the eight eyes of a spider or the eyes of a Hawk who can see for many many miles. The eye evolved from a set of very simple light sensetive cells in to what we know today and it will continue to evolve forever.

(now im really getting going)) Evolution or the ability of species to change over many years is being seen right in front of our eyes every day, look at dogs that have been bread, darwin was facinated with Pigeon breaders and the massive aray of different looking creatures all related to the Pigeon. Some people say this is NOT evolution, but it is really, perhaps forced by us, but it is the evolution of one kind of animal to develop different feathers, different eyes, different wings etc.


Active Member
Couldn't agree more. I went to the Darwin exhibition in the Natural History Museum last year, and my eyes actually welled up with tears, looking at his mockingbirds and finches, and seeing how he came to his discovery.

The state of the school system in England disgusts me. I have a 1yr old daughter, and soon she will have to enter the state education system, where she will have to sit through daily collective worship, even if she doesn't end up in a religious school. But as I live in Durham, most schools are religious so I might not have much choice.

If it comes to that, I will probably move back to Scotland.

The news is becoming more filled with articles related to religion, but don't fear that this is a bad thing. Free speech will prevail and people will see sense eventually. For some people it takes longer than others though. Religion only exists because children believe in magic, and all adults were once children.

Here are some great youtube videos to cheer you up:

What would Jesus NOT do? :

Check out more videos by these two users (NonStampCollector and QualiaSoup) for more excellent rational views.


Active Member
Hey good posts mate. A fellow Brit! Where are you from in the UK buddy?

Plant looks fantastic! I'm doing it on a shoe string budget (check out my thread near the bottom of the page) but I'd love to have something half as good as what you've produced. :lol:

Did you vote yesterday? I was just thinking if any party wants to legalise weed or at least downgrade it again to class B.

I voted UKIP in the Euros (I think we should withdraw from the EU and strengthen our ties with the Commonwealth) and Conservative in the locals. For any Americans reading I think that makes me a Republican!


Active Member
Thanks Nepenthe your comments are most welcome, what about my grow though?????
I'm afraid I don't know much yet mate!! Although in my noob opinion it looks great... lets have a joint!!

I'm starting my first grow in a week or two, waiting on my growtent/lights etc arriving, as well as the seeds! I'll be sure to post once things start arriving and I get set up.


Well-Known Member
The religious theme has inspired to share a mildly humorous real world event.

Seems a fellow was getting fairly regular visits at his door with good people that wanted to share with him the teachings from a religious text.

After some time, and a bit of annoyance, he was inspired with his own revelation. He started knocking on doors of said people with the following greeting, 'I would like to share with you the teachings from the book, The Origin of Species, by Charles Darwin.


Well-Known Member
Lemme get this straight... You think this whole shit we called a universe started by itself? Like just sporadically out of nowhere an entire universe was created JUST by itself? Not believing In a story called the bibal is one thing but not believing in a creator is another and kind of sad. I think people who are atheist don't get far in life because of no motivation. Sad it is.


Active Member
Well then, who created ‘The Creator’? Where did they come from? Isn’t the Large Hadron Collidor under the Swiss/French border trying to re-enact the first moments of the ‘Big Bang’ by smashing together a couple of particles at ridiculous speeds? I’ve not read that much into it, but they say there is 1 piece of the jigsaw missing from theories of how the Universe began. What makes atoms stay together – like glue for atoms. It’s called the Higgs-Boson theory.


Well-Known Member
Well AmnesiaRLD, thanks very much for the comments. I'm sure your grow will be just as good, i was no expert by a long way but acheived pretty good results.

As for where I am I would rather not say exactly, lets just say it's the West Coast.

I didn't vote actually (should have done) but my policital views are pretty strong and im not sure if i should start that rant on this thread :) How far you in to your grow then?


New Member
Well I hate that notion that the earth is so young like the christians sometimes say. But, the God of us all, yes the God of Abraham, did not make it so simple. If you are so arrogant as to believe you have it all figured out then explain to me how if no God exists that one, that is ONE,1, won, out of millions and millions! of creatures, animals, that is anything living that is not a plant for you stoned out athiests, ONE out of all those is self aware??? That is one, humans, that know they are alive. Not that they know how to mate and go here and there and can be taught but that they know they have a beginning and and ending. Not one out of so many but man. Hmmm. Well you have it all figured out so without just saying like dude it is just random, try and give a logical answer. Also when so many many many peoples have lived on this planet why do all of them even the totally isolated ones have the same innate feeling of a higher power. All men forever have had gods, gods, not God. Also why do all people have a flood story in their past. That is every culture that ever left any evidence of their exixtence and they all have the flood story. And then try to explain how big the universe is. I know you can since you know it all. Oh and bye the way what the f is a ghost? do you believe in them? and if so does that not suggest life after death? and if so what the f is life after death... Food for thought. Smoke a huge green bud then think about it. I await your educated words of wisdom...... bongsmilie
Hey good posts mate. A fellow Brit! Where are you from in the UK buddy?

Plant looks fantastic! I'm doing it on a shoe string budget (check out my thread near the bottom of the page) but I'd love to have something half as good as what you've produced. :lol:

Did you vote yesterday? I was just thinking if any party wants to legalise weed or at least downgrade it again to class B.

I voted UKIP in the Euros (I think we should withdraw from the EU and strengthen our ties with the Commonwealth) and Conservative in the locals. For any Americans reading I think that makes me a Republican!


Active Member
Who created the God(s) if there is one though? I’m not an atheist, I’m agnostic. As in, if evidence is shown to me that proves without a doubt there is a higher being then I will accept that. I think religion is pretty outdated. You only have to look at some of the things written in Holy Books to realise this and some of the actions in these books would land you in jail. And rightly so.

However, as I went to a Catholic school and I have read parts of the Bible, it’s a fantastic tool for providing you with good morals. You cannot doubt it for teaching you that.


Well-Known Member

If there was a God...would I be smart enough to be able to comprehend their plan? No. I'd be a brainless amoeba in comparison to God. So anything I believed would be laughable to God.


Active Member
Well AmnesiaRLD, thanks very much for the comments. I'm sure your grow will be just as good, i was no expert by a long way but acheived pretty good results.

As for where I am I would rather not say exactly, lets just say it's the West Coast.

I didn't vote actually (should have done) but my policital views are pretty strong and im not sure if i should start that rant on this thread :) How far you in to your grow then?
No probs! Thanks for the words of faith (ba-dam TSH!).

I assume you're pretty liberal but I hate to make assumptions as I'm usually wrong. I agree with various different levels of the political spectrum but I'd say I was mainly right wing. Anything which mentions socialism or communism frankly scares the hell out of me.


Active Member
Lemme get this straight... You think this whole shit we called a universe started by itself? Like just sporadically out of nowhere an entire universe was created JUST by itself? Not believing In a story called the bibal is one thing but not believing in a creator is another and kind of sad. I think people who are atheist don't get far in life because of no motivation. Sad it is.
This doesn't answer any questions or prove the existence of a god. All it gives us is an infinite regression. The next question to ask would be "who created the creator?".

Also, why do you need to know how the universe began, in order to get far in life? I'm a humanist and sad isn't a feeling I have often, except when reading about the terrible things that happen to people every day because of religious persecution.