Newbie first indoor auto grow

First ever grow, for personal use and it's grown in my windowsill for the entire time - I know the yield won't be that much for these reasons and I haven't got access to proper equipment. I know it isn't the best looking but any advice for keeping these plants as happy as I can while at this stage would be massively appreciated, thanks in advance guys!


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These plants just don't grow well in a window. They need full light for their entire photoperiod and they need 12 hours of complete darkness to form decent buds. I don't mean to poop in your cornflakes, but just don't beat yourself up if you don't get much out of it.
These plants just don't grow well in a window. They need full light for their entire photoperiod and they need 12 hours of complete darkness to form decent buds. I don't mean to poop in your cornflakes, but just don't beat yourself up if you don't get much out of it.
I literally said I know I'm not going to get much from them, just after advice of what I CAN do with what I actually have access to. Any advice on nutrients or signs of things I might be doing wrong from the photos is all I'm after, thanks though man :)
I've only posted pictures and just asked for thoughts/advice on caring for it or if anything looked wrong man, I'm not trying to be difficult haha.

You clearly stated that you do not have access to proper equipment, correct? Any thoughts or advice that could actually help your plant, would require some equipment, (like a light)...which you do not have access to...and if you could put it outside, you would have already done that.

I realize you are not trying to be difficult (you're not btw) and you have your reasons for growing the way you are...but it is what it is, man. All we can say is good luck...if/when you're able to get proper equipment, we'll be here to help.
Light is your limiting factor, is everyone's point. Anything else isn't going to improve it without light.
It's still green and growing, more than some people can do.