Newbie First time grower

Hey I'm growing outside au natural watering every day, im in australia its early spring here so its warm and breezy so hopefuly they should do ok....
Theyre a bit skinny so I moved them where theyll get a bit more breeze see what happens hehe I have no idea what seeds they are just got them from a stick I dot want to buy anymore victimless crime and all that :P
Lemme know what u think
P.S apologies - blackerry=crap pics lol


Well-Known Member
I would put some perlite in your soil. Also you do not need to water a plant that size everyday. Thats the worse thing you can do. water it when the soil dries out. Depending on how hot it is you may need to water daily.

Just let your soil dry out some. I would aslo look into some perlite. It will make air get to your roots. If no perlite your soil will come packed and the roots will not grow right. You plant will likly be stunted.
So its been a couple of days since those pics, the FKN DOG ate the other seeddlings so I've only got the one in the big pot now GRR!! I left it in the sun havent watered it at all the soil still looks fairly moist but I dont think its grown much at all! It looks healthy enough but yer is that weird?
new pic
OK so I changed it around again.......

No idea what the globe is and how long I should be having the lighting on for....


Active Member
hey puff

im a first time grower in australia aswell and i got my plants growing and they are all about the same size as yours.

where bouts in australia are you?

Good luck man