Newbie First Yield. NOT HAPPY.


Well-Known Member
I use Sunshine Pro Mix #4. It is just peat and perlite. Much like coco in that is has little to offer in nutrients. It is like the coco ghb described, a real simple medium to grow plants in. It is a bit less expensive than coco, and I buy it in 3.8 cubic foot bales. $35.00 and since the bales are compressed, it is equal to about 6-8 bags of FFOF. (those bales weigh around 80 lbs.)
They also make an organic version for $40.00 a bale. (at least that's what it costs here)


Well-Known Member
I use Sunshine Pro Mix #4. It is just peat and perlite. Much like coco in that is has little to offer in nutrients. It is like the coco ghb described, a real simple medium to grow plants in. It is a bit less expensive than coco, and I buy it in 3.8 cubic foot bales. $35.00 and since the bales are compressed, it is equal to about 6-8 bags of FFOF. (those bales weigh around 80 lbs.)
They also make an organic version for $40.00 a bale. (at least that's what it costs here)
Oh yeh, and like ghb, I am never going back to soil. If I switch, it will be to coco


Well-Known Member
Is anyone else shaking their head at this statement?
Here in the UK, that is true. 90% of what people here buy comes from large-scale underground grow-ops (apparently run by immigrants of one nationality or another depending on which police force is commenting, though I take that with a pinch of salt). If you have a professional grow then you'd be a fool not to use clones. All the grower/sellers (as opposed to myself, who grows for myself) I know use exodus cheese or old blueberry clones...or similar old-school UK strains.


Active Member
My first grow is from seed, and while I cannot comment on the "hit n' miss" I can say that it takes less time to grow from clones and is less expensive in the long run for me. My current set of clones are 50%+ bigger at 1 month than my seeds where.

Veg, Clone, Flower - Rinse and repeat.


Well-Known Member
I dont think you should be disappointed, you did get to harvest and learned a lot along the way which is valuable. It looks like you have more plants going, and if you can get stem and root structure like the last one, I am sure you will be much happier with your next yield.

On the 90% of commercial weed is from clones, I agree with that here. Most of the commercial growers around here select the pheno they want based on quality and yield before they invest in the big grow then clone the hell out of them. In fact, I can go down to just about any of the dispensaries and pick up clones, buying seeds I had to order them from overseas.

Dont get discouraged, your shit looks good, make some tweaks based on what you learned and you should be much happier next time. With a bit more curing time, this harvest may improve as well.


Active Member
Roll it Up;

I can't thank you guys enough for the feedback and encouragement. Yes it was a learning process and i had a lot of fun with this experience; but damn! So fucking close! Maybe another 2 weeks maybe 3. I think my biggest mistake was over fertilization which caused my growth to stunt do to them choking on nutes. And yes, i did go with "internet" time. I should have read my plants a little closer. And yes, i do have 3 more plants growing right now and those ARE clones from these that i just harvested. I have them growing under H.O. T5 because my grow closet is being used to dry the rest of the herbs. Once that is done, i will blast them with the Metal Halide 600w.

I think my next purchase is going to be a PPM reader. Is there a chart on how strong the PPM should be on the different stages of the plants life? Hope that question makes sense.

I'm not really bummed out about the money and care i put into this project, (well, maybe a little bit on the money side), but the precious time. Can't buy time. But o well, you live and you learn. And Yes, there are those few Roll it Up members that gave me some AWESOME advice and Encouragement, especially the Boba Fett; cant fuck with the Fett. Thanks Homie.

And for all the other posts with charts and goodies, i will get back to them and study them once i get out of work.

Once again guys (and gals, if there are any in this forum) Thank you Thank you Thank you.




Well-Known Member
Hey dude were still young, we've got years (I hope) You could look into coco or perlite verm/ hempy and get a ph and ppm meter then you know exactly what there getting its easy. Well, maybe not easy.


Active Member
600 metal halide for veg and 600 HPS for flower. I really think it was the over fertilization and nute burn that caused the flowering to stunt its growth. I should have let it veg for 2 or 3 more weeks. well, thats my theory. I'm taking it easier on the feeding with my 3 clones.


Well-Known Member
It definitely takes 2-3 grows with a particular strain to know how best to grow it. I'm battling a NE Bagseed named Organic Chocolate. It has the most resinous buds I've seen and creates this wonderful balanced high good for everyone! But it's stems are weak and lanky; they just droop to the ground. So My second time around, instead of LSTing, I'm just lollipopping - anyway; point is; I see TONS of popcorn buds. You can eliminate that by training and working WITH the strain for maximum yield. You may have to force everything to the top and have several huge colas; but that's a win-win too man. BTW that plant is beast. GL


Active Member
from your tri bud of left the first strain for at least another week, and the 3rd for at least another 2! i kno its only a bud, but they dont look ready to me!

Dr. Skunk Bud

Active Member
I will be at your house later to pick up those buds and dispose of them for you. Next time do better for now I am disappointed and as punishment I will smoke all of your buds.bongsmilie


Hang in there. My first grow was my best to date. Go figure. Grow 2 was decent, but lower yield. Grow 3 decent yield, but lacked punch. Grow 4 has been fits and starts. I managed to start 4 plants: all ended up male!!!. When I started suspecting that, I started 5 more. One really took off, and you guessed it: male! Now down to 2 girls. Having a bit of curling, but I think that's what you get when you have too much home time (nursing a leg injury). I need to cut back on the daily misting. :)

All my efforts have been from seed under LED and CFL's. I tried cloning after grow 2, but fungus gnats took care of that. I plan to try cloning again with reveg. I also made some butter from the leaf (awesome!), so putting everything to good use. Moral of the story: weed from the sweat of your own efforts is as satisfying as catching fish on a fly that you tied yourself. Keep it up and you will be rewarded!