newbie from uk!


hello people, ive been going threw alot of the threads and posts on here, its helped me alot to learn some stuff!! tryin to sort out my grow journal but cant find how to open one any pointers in the right direction would be great so then i can share my grow aswell, thanks TGH

Jack London

New Member
:拍手:Nice to meet you, I'm also studying the knowledge of plant cultivation in this area and look forward to our agriculture would one day like your country as developed, we manufacture the products, they can come in handy.


Well-Known Member
go to the journals forum. start a thread. if you need help ask mello kitty. she mods there. she's very helpful:)
a private journal doesn't get much attention. it's better to start a thread as a journal.


thanks dannyboy! ive started one up but no one seems interested! well see ill keep updating