Newbie grow with mistakes, what should I do from here?


Well-Known Member
Definitely 2 males.... may they RIP.... now gettem outta there!
Hope we're right cuz I chopped them dudes down and killed the 6 clones. The males just so happend to be the biggest 2, so i'm not really as happy with the plants as I thought i'd be, hopefully they fillout. Maybe I'll tie them down alittle I'll get some pics up as soon as I get a new battery


Well-Known Member
OK so the 2 I didn't kill are females :mrgreen: they showed sex a few days after the males, I really didnt want more than 2 in the tub anyway so it worked out pretty good, and they've filled in nicely so I'm happy once again. Here's a few pic's, what do you think?



Well-Known Member
I agree looking damn good, one is better than non and two is better than 1 .. Hooah! you did well, have you got any female clones going yet?

I'm in kind of the same situation you were in, it's a long story but I ended up with six decent plants and so far I only got to girls, sad to say that the rest are looking to be male, I fear that I will mess up cloning them bitches, so I decided to practice on my males before hand, I recently started a journal, bellow is the link in case yur interested.

Keep up the Awesome Job!


Well-Known Member
Thanks for the comments guys,

I agree looking damn good, one is better than non and two is better than 1 .. Hooah! you did well, have you got any female clones going yet?

I'm in kind of the same situation you were in, it's a long story but I ended up with six decent plants and so far I only got to girls, sad to say that the rest are looking to be male, I fear that I will mess up cloning them bitches, so I decided to practice on my males before hand, I recently started a journal, bellow is the link in case yur interested.

Keep up the Awesome Job!
I started out with 12 clones all 12 rooted in less than 2 weeks, I killed the 6 males leaving me with 6 females (100% success, pretty good for my first time I think), as far as you practicing on the males it shouldn't hurt, but IMO I dont think you need too. I did mine in soil and everybody said how hard it was going to be, I was really worried in the beginning but it wasn't half as hard as people made it out to be. Maybe I got lucky who knows, this is the guide I used to help me check it out. Marijuana Cloning | How to Clone Female Marijuana, Cannabis, Weed and Pot Plants Indoors


Well-Known Member
Thanks for that link I'm going to use that process except I'm going to use rootone, that's all I can find locally, it's been a few days how's your plants coming, anything noticeable?


Well-Known Member
Here's a few updated pic's for anyone thats still check'n this out. Their on week 5 of 12/12 and about 2' tall, let me know what you think



Well-Known Member
Great read, very nice grow. I have to get a system in place for cloning with a good success rate.


Well-Known Member
Wow, and i hope anyone that has been following my grow and shitting on my for putting more than 1 per pot. Look at the results!!!


Well-Known Member
thanks for all the complements guys, I'm tryin my best

Do you still have cfl's over those or did you get the light setup you were talking about... ??
Ya I've still got the CFL's over them, shit always has a way of popping up when I need to buy something, so fund's needed to be rerouted. Hopefully soon though

Also I dont think I'll ever put more than one plant per pot again, not because It can't be done or that it hurts the plants but just for the fact that it was a pain in the ass moving that big heavy ass tub around, and when they started getting bigger I couldn't just spread the pots out I had to tie them down.

I checked out your grow F4T4L and I think it'll work out well for you, you used smaller pots than that big ass 20 gal tub I've got. Best of luck


Active Member
Ribbet - excellent thread - we all learn so much from excellent questions like yours.

How many weeks from seedling to flowering (end of veg)?

You have a green thumb there Ribbet.


Well-Known Member
Thank you jennyj, they veg'ed for about 6 weeks

As far as the harvest goes ryan I'm really not sure, I look at the trichs every few days and there all still clear so we'll see once they start clouding up a little. I would guess about another month.