Newbie grower - any good tips? I have g13 hash plant, blue venom & power berry

So how long do I grow for til they are ready to bud? Blue venom is the biggest in the middle. tips?

  • 4weeks

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  • 8weeks

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  • 12weeks

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Well-Known Member
Get them under some light, even cfl or t5 flouro. 12/12 from seed on a windowsill will not get you any good results, unless you happen to have the PERFECT window lol.
I veg from seed for 4-6 weeks, thats from sprout. plants end up anywhere from 28-48 inches tall by the time they aredone. thats under 400wMH, then 600w hps


Well-Known Member
Yes I agree window light will not be sufficient enough. Also small fan will help air circulate and create wind tension/stronger and thicker stems/branches. Only water when needed. If you keep soil constantly wet you will run into a few problems one of them being fungus gnats/aphids.


Thing is though the best weed in the world is grown under natural sun light. I do not agree that you have to have lights in order for you to be able to successfully grow your plant. Cus this is my first attempt this is just a learning process for me hence I choose not to use lights on this occasion.. maybe if successful and on the next crop or season i may use lights then. My window has been very good for the plants where my room is does get a fantastic amount of light each day where its postioned in my property its very good! its actually t he best room in the whole house for warmth light and air! so really its ideal mate. i hear what your saying though. But so far so good, my plants have been doing exceptionally well! blue venom just keeps growing and growing shes getting tall! leafs are coming out nicely. Very green and healthy looking which indicates getting enough nutrients. I will post some more pics which were taken yesturday and today. Thank you both once again for your info and advice if you could keep me updated with your expoties and etc that would be great and much appreciated. with vegging could you have a look at the new pics i have tajken and just see what you think about it? like for instance when i should start feed the plant. I dont really no when and what size i should leave it to grow until doing this? thanks all !!


Active Member
Hey man, I can see youre enthusiastic to grow sweet bud :D heres my take ( Im also a newb on my first grow ).
Growing on a window will stretch your plants and will take a long long time to harvest, even in 12/12 from seed.
I got my main plant under a 25W CFL, now at 9 weeks old and has been flowering in 12/12 for almost 6 weeks now, and unfortunately I still got a long way to go, the bud is formed with many pistils and some crystals and smelling nice but it still has a lot more to grow and bulk up, I dont wanna chop it early and after drying it to get small buds, it would be frustrating after all the wait , know what I mean.
I also got a plant in 12/12 from seed and it flowered (developed pistils) at week 3, but its got to go i think 10 more weeks till its anywhere ready to chop, plus the main bud wont grow very big, I hope at least it will grow fat haha.
Also be careful with watering I can notice a bit of drooping in your pics which is a sign of to much water, let the soil dry out completely then water, to much water will delay the growth and can cause even more nasty issues like pests or root rot..
Any way I am curious to see how they grow and how long it takes ;)
Happy growing buddy.


Hey man, I can see youre enthusiastic to grow sweet bud :D heres my take ( Im also a newb on my first grow ).
Growing on a window will stretch your plants and will take a long long time to harvest, even in 12/12 from seed.
I got my main plant under a 25W CFL, now at 9 weeks old and has been flowering in 12/12 for almost 6 weeks now, and unfortunately I still got a long way to go, the bud is formed with many pistils and some crystals and smelling nice but it still has a lot more to grow and bulk up, I dont wanna chop it early and after drying it to get small buds, it would be frustrating after all the wait , know what I mean.
I also got a plant in 12/12 from seed and it flowered (developed pistils) at week 3, but its got to go i think 10 more weeks till its anywhere ready to chop, plus the main bud wont grow very big, I hope at least it will grow fat haha.
Also be careful with watering I can notice a bit of drooping in your pics which is a sign of to much water, let the soil dry out completely then water, to much water will delay the growth and can cause even more nasty issues like pests or root rot..
Any way I am curious to see how they grow and how long it takes ;)
Happy growing buddy.
Hey bro ! :D:D.. yes i am haha maybe too much i think but you know what its like especially when its ya first time ;) Thanks so much for your take and im really happy you have noticed the slight dipp of some of the leafs I have just noticed yesturday possibly day before also and today that they have looked this way.. What gets me is though is ive lifted the pots and touched the soil and its pretty much bone dry and light feeling so would you suggest not to water still? I did notice this before and have read up on dipped leafs inward/outward etc.. on a very small scale on one tiny tip of the ridge only very faint.. like a lightish brown but very very faint can only just make it out and has only this on just the one leaf what would you suggest? and with the windows method im using how to better it or change circumstances? maybe too much light getting to the plant aswel as you saying about the water? the last few pics i posted were taken today.. you think i should remove them at night and put them in a wardrobe or room where blackness will be consealed for the duration i require and then put them back in natural light in day time hours (window sil)? or carry on and just reduce the intake of water im using. They havent been watered for two days now. Also i am noit using any feeds or ferts so cant be the reason. Todays weather has been really warm and a lot of sunlight yesturday wasnt so great but never the less it still had its quota. Your method you have used and where you are with your grow sounds awesome bro!!! and very quick but then again you are using lights afterall ;) . my blue venom has a lovely smell also! not pungent but there is defo a smell and smells lovely!! :D:). What strains are you growing?? Yeah the longer you leave it the better the quality !! older is better. when the buds mature and when left longer in its cycle you will produce very strong sensi ;P and that is what we all want isnt it. so i think hopefully i get to that stage i will pre long them as much as i can . Im not in no rush but would love it to bud flower and be ready sometime in these summer months.. but of course without the extra help of lights i doubt it but will see how it goes hey. you in the states?? (us) Thanks again man!


Well-Known Member
Thing is though the best weed in the world is grown under natural sun light. I do not agree that you have to have lights in order for you to be able to successfully grow your plant. Cus this is my first attempt this is just a learning process for me hence I choose not to use lights on this occasion.. maybe if successful and on the next crop or season i may use lights then. My window has been very good for the plants where my room is does get a fantastic amount of light each day where its postioned in my property its very good! its actually t he best room in the whole house for warmth light and air! so really its ideal mate. i hear what your saying though. But so far so good, my plants have been doing exceptionally well! blue venom just keeps growing and growing shes getting tall! leafs are coming out nicely. Very green and healthy looking which indicates getting enough nutrients. I will post some more pics which were taken yesturday and today. Thank you both once again for your info and advice if you could keep me updated with your expoties and etc that would be great and much appreciated. with vegging could you have a look at the new pics i have tajken and just see what you think about it? like for instance when i should start feed the plant. I dont really no when and what size i should leave it to grow until doing this? thanks all !!
Yeah man if the setup your using seems to be working well and supplying enough light for your need thats all that matters in the end
Generally depends on what type of soil you use/used because a lot of them differentiate on when to start introducing other nute/fertilizers but if its been over a month like you said i deff would start to add some today if not asap
Also I would get ready to transplant the 2 smaller ones soon but the biggest one asap
love the sound of blue venom. I hope to get my hands on it some day and cant wait to see how yours looks/turns out.
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Active Member
About the soil being dry I think it depends a lot on what soil you have, I have a not so recomended soil for my plants and it takes about 7 days to be 90% dry so I water once a week, you say its been 2 days no watering and soil is dry, I suggest give it one more day before you water, to be on the safe side, and also underwatering can be fixed easily while overwatering can be a pain in the ass :D

About light brownish on leaves I couldnt say, I had no such issues so far in my grow (and I feel very lucky for that lol), If you plants have been over a month now I guess with the next watering you can add half a dose of nutes to your water, dosage depending on what the nute specs say on the bottle. Many people say watering every 3rd or 4th day, which I think would go well in your case cuz your soil dries quick. I normally add water till a little bit of water drips from the holes on the bottom of the pot.

To much light I really doubt would be a problem, unless it burns the plants from to much heat (which I really doubt will happen on a window sil), but putting your plants in a concealed area for the dark period sure is a good idea, though be careful not to shake it to much or anything that could stress her.
And for lighting you could improve that with a normal lamp or something put at a safe distance as to not heat stress your girls and a small fan blowing on them, to help them get thick stems and generally grow healthy.

I am growing bag seed :D dunno the strain, though I only use mature dark brown seeds, no greenish underdeveloped seeds. I am not in the states, I am in central Europe.
Anyway, a good advice is, keep looking on the forum for info when you are in doubt you will find a lot of good info, and as your plants grow you will gain the experience to know what to do.
Also for fast grows autoflowering plants sounds best for me, I hope I'll get some for myself when winter comes, I wanna have a continuous grow.