Newbie grower Quick Question


Hey guys first time grower here so i have one main question here it is.

I have a plant that is in flowering stage at the moment i want to turn it back into veg so i can make it a mother so that way i can clone off it and have give or take 5-6 plants goin in my little grow room but heres the catch.

This flowering plant was in my grow room under 12/12 its entire grow life and do you seasoned growers think its gonna be worth the hassle, because i tryed cloning off of this thing once i found it was a female and they didnt take, i have clone-x, rock-wool cubes , in my grow room my set up is 4, 48" t5 bulbs and a hand full of cfls in different spots but any and all advice / input is apreiciated guys keep the bashing to a min. lol im a newb im learning.

Stay lifted my friends , stay lifted


Also once i finnaly get some to put into veg stage i have blood meal, bone meal, Alaskain fish food for nutes, and bud and bloom


Well-Known Member
Can i get a picture???? i would suggest getting it under a 20/4 cycle first and foremost, shit maybe even a 24 hour dark before going back to 20/4?


Well-Known Member
well screw the bloom nutes for now brah.................How about aloe vera foliars, and some straight water for the next week or so?

Joe Blows Trees

Well-Known Member
With the time it'll take for her to start re vegging, up to two months plus, @rkymtnman is right. You'll probably be better of getting some beans and starting fresh. She's blooming nicely though.


I was thinking about auto flowering seeds , because I only have one room I could keep cloning it and just keep that strain rolling under 19/5 or 20/4 what do you think


Well-Known Member
hmmmmmm, she's punching below her weight class my brah, You don't wanna try to clone with fem seeds imho, i would rec buying ONE pack of good gear, reg seeds imho. and putting them into your t-5 room to find a good pheno. Do you have any experiance with genetics or are you kinda flying by the seat of your pants with this?


Well-Known Member
I also want to encourage you to keep your t-5's as close as possible to your plants because imho t-5's dont have a far ranging spectrums, in other words your bottom flowers WILL not be recieveing the same as your tops, so shit maybe another 4 bulb fixture if you can swing it and the cfl's on the side for supplimental lighting? Those guys are right though, wayy too much hassle for you to reveg her at this point, it'd almost be quicker to buy a 10 pack and get em popped, do a pheno hunt!


In my grow room I've got a oscillating fan , an exhast fan pulling exhaust out to keep heat at about 75 - 80 and humidity right now is about 45 ish at max , I read alot before I started but the more I know the better and I know you guys are the ones to ask.


Well-Known Member
keep the autoflower idea. skip the cloning part. pickup a nice variety of autos and try to get a perpetual grow going. as some get close to being done flowering, get a new batch of seeds going and keep doing that.

for autos, i think the 18/6 cycle is the best.


Well-Known Member
I can give you my suggestion for grabbing a pack of beans but i guess let me know your thoughts on having to spend anywhere from 60-125 bucks on seeds to find a keeper mother.........maybe like this bitch.......

kosher time 001.JPG kosher time 004_cleaned.JPG kosher time 005.JPG i started the same way you are my friend check it out...

aaa t-5's 002.JPG aaa t-5's 001.JPG


Well-Known Member


keep the autoflower idea. skip the cloning part. pickup a nice variety of autos and try to get a perpetual grow going. as some get close to being done flowering, get a new batch of seeds going and keep doing that.

for autos, i think the 18/6 cycle is the best.
Ok so skip the cloning? Even if I get a plant put off a high ass yield


Well-Known Member
if you only have one room, i'd skip the cloning part. me personally, i like variety. i'd rather try 10 different autos versus being stuck with just one strain for a while.


Well-Known Member
hey VT, what strain of cat are you growing in that last pic?? lol.
that crazy bitch is addicted to t-5 6000k spectrums, the reason i posted that is because those two plants were free autos from sea of seeds back in 2013,,,,,,jack herrer and some pepper type strain...........that plant actually was a monster but rather then get me super stoned it just made it so i could'nt walk right or even ride my bike.....rkymtnman and i get along great op, were just giving you the options you asked about lol.


Well-Known Member
Ok so skip the cloning? Even if I get a plant put off a high ass yield
well like rcky said you'd need to make a space available for mom, her babies, then a flowering tent/room. All things to consider imho. Then ask yourself this, as a first time grower do i wanna focus on one strain and dial it in? or do i wanna play around with multiple autos? autos are easy growers when it comes to light cycles. Maybe you can do both?