Newbie...Harvest Help Needed......Please!


I have two different plants of unknown type. THE TOP PICTURES IS THE "OUTSIDE PLANT, THE BOTTOM PICTURES ARE THE STAIRS PLANT.The Outside one looks ready, I think, the Stairs one needs more time, I think. Please look at the photo's and let me know what I should do and when............Thanks! The help is truly appreciated! I'm driving myself crazy trying to determine when to harvest my two plants that were grown as an experiment.

In case your interested, the Outside one was just grown outside with basically no help from me other than fertilizing 1 or 2 times with general Miracle Grow. The Stairs plant was grown inside as a general plant near a window and was brought outside after the flowering began. This one too only had an occasional fertilizing. Other than that, I left them alone!



Well-Known Member
Looking good for bag seeds, nice job.. If you can let them go another week and no more plant food, can only get better.


flush her ..please.. The nipples on a few of the top buds are telling me shes close. Yeah it would be nice to see her fatten up but shes looking close brotha!


Active Member
use the plant food up til the final day. flushing is a myth.

The plants look great good job bro. I recommend flushing as well. Not like 10 gallons of water at once flushing but water feed her enough to break down those salt deposits from your nutes.

@sin No dis-respect man and i dont really wanna get into it, but thats fucking absurd. You may prefer not flushing to flushing, but to say there is not a difference in the finished product is crazy. I mean if you got some ground-breaking scientific study on deck, please throw me some knowledge. Otherwise take two plants and try it out and smoke the difference. Proof is in tha puddin.


ur very close dude if ya can get a 60x magnifying glass and check the tricombs a good mix of amber and milky color and she done


ur very close dude if ya can get a 60x magnifying glass and check the tricombs a good mix of amber and milky color and she done
I have looked at the "Garage plant under magnification and I think the Trichromes look like a mix in color, but then I look again somewhere else and I change my mind. I'm going crazy!


**************************HELP PLEASE!***************************
First things first: CHILL OUT!

You want to determine what part of the plant is ready. The main cola(s) might be ready, but everything else might need more time. So, chop what you think is ready and leave the rest to finish.

Again, relax!

Stay high, really high



Well-Known Member
The plants look great good job bro. I recommend flushing as well. Not like 10 gallons of water at once flushing but water feed her enough to break down those salt deposits from your nutes.

@sin No dis-respect man and i dont really wanna get into it, but thats fucking absurd. You may prefer not flushing to flushing, but to say there is not a difference in the finished product is crazy. I mean if you got some ground-breaking scientific study on deck, please throw me some knowledge. Otherwise take two plants and try it out and smoke the difference. Proof is in tha puddin.
check all the threads i have started. you should really do some home work. i have been researching this for weeks. and in fact have taken buds off my plants and have tested it. no sparks, fizzles, chem tastes or anything of the sort. plus it burnt really clean and there was no black ash. seriously man. look it up. its highly debatable, but you can not tell me that it isn't true. do your own tests if you are still blinded by the truth.


go with what your gut tells you. thats what im a new grower..did some studying for myself...and so im just gonna go with what i read up on...practice makes perfect. do some good reading..and judge for yourself. in my opinion, id pull em.