newbie help change colors


You have to give a bit more info if you want anyone to be able to tell you for sure what is wrong.
Temp, light, how old they are, nutrients, ph of medium etc.
If not a quick look around the forum should give you a few clues:)


Well-Known Member
Here's what I think. those yellow leaves are old or dying of your low stress training. It could be overwatering w/o proper drainage. I'm going to stick w/ the old leaves. Your new growth looks healthy enough. If you are worried about the light green color, they should turn dark like your other leaves that look like they have too much nitrogen. At least it doesn't look like you are missing calcium.


Well-Known Member
my babies are 61day after being dirt (sunshine advanced mix#4)growing mix natural and organic, myco-active ,earth friendly coco-coir, no burn formula. right now I'm watering every 4 days alternating between nutrients and water they are on a 18 hour on life 6 hours of darknessI started out using distilled water then from that I went to tap from tap water to using spring water the nutrients I am using our bio thrive and rapid start by general hydroponics.I'm using CFLs 2x 19watt 3x26watts 2x23watts and 1x32watt... if any m o re info is need let me know.

You have to give a bit more info if you want anyone to be able to tell you for sure what is wrong.
Temp, light, how old they are, nutrients, ph of medium etc.
If not a quick look around the forum should give you a few clues:)
Btw i dont have ph reader and never ph water cuznutrient bottle instructed it did not need to be pH


Like Warble said, i think it may be old lower leaves dying of. If you see the yellowing starting to affect new growth you probably have a N deficiency.
Watch it for the next 2-3 days, and see if the yellowing are contained to those leaves. If you see the yellowing spreading, flush your buckets, and give them a new batch of nutes :)


Well-Known Member
Like Warble said, i think it may be old lower leaves dying of. If you see the yellowing starting to affect new growth you probably have a N deficiency.
Watch it for the next 2-3 days, and see if the yellowing are contained to those leaves. If you see the yellowing spreading, flush your buckets, and give them a new batch of nutes :)
Ok will thanks again guys