newbie help needed.


Well-Known Member
Plenty of experience members on here can advise on how best to use what you have. Don't listen to the guys that tell you to go spend a $1000 on a setup, baby steps. Work with what you have .

I agree but to a certain extent.

You need to get what you think you want now because you will spend more in the long run. I got a 4 inch fan and filter sitting hasn't been used but 1 grow that's 120 more I didn't need to spend. I got t5 sets too I don't use laying around...I got a 150 w hps as well... All those are wasted money now.

if you think your gonna upgrade to hps do it now or wait until you can. You can veg under cfl that's fine but I strongly recommend to flower under hps my opinion tho


Well-Known Member
If you're gonna flower just get a hps or a good led rig, spending good money on anything else is just wasting your time, and putting yourself in a position of getting in criminal trouble for fluffy crap! Just not worth it I.M.O. Peace out.


Well-Known Member
I agree with everything EXCEPT the cool tube. No offense, but the cool tube has one of THE worst light patterns out there. Your hood and your bulbs are the single two most important pieces in the garden so DO NOT skimp on them.

Any digi ballast will strike a bulb and any cheap as fan will blow air but a cheap hood just throws light all over the place. Guys get seduced by super cheap eBay combos that are really just a collection of turds with a now on them.

I have done allot of research and studied light grids from different hoods. The blockbuster 6" is far and away one of the best hoods you can buy. It's solidly made, has awesome seals and cables to prevent the glass from smashing your plants on bulb changes.
As stated above. If your going to risk having a narcotic production charge on your record then at least do it right. Your going to need at least $500 to do that.

Blockbuster 6. $150
Digi ballast $125
6" fan $100
PH meter $60
Ppm meter $40
GE lucalux 600 HPS $60
Any brand of cheap ass MH 400 (driven at 600) $20
Oscillating fan $35
Pots, media, nutes $100
Panda film, 2x2 wood, adhesive zipper, and staple gun $75

Now your set up to grow some quality weed. Oops...your at like $800 now. See how that works LOL

BUT.. You will probably pull 10oz of good bud on your first harvest. That's $1500 on the west coast and probably double that everywhere else.


The only thing I bought locally so far is 400HPS bulb + ballast. Ordered from internet PH,ppm, temp meters. I will be buying pots tomorrow. I need your guys recommendations on which fans to get? Please recommend some cheap but strong fans, thanks :) And about nutrients, is it only about numbers of nutes or does good brand makes a big difference?