newbie here


New Member
Hello this is my first grow and I am having a problem that I have not seen addressed. I am growing auto flower candy cane strain outdoors in large pots using miricle grow medium and fertilizer. My problem is i am 4 weeks into a 7 to 8 week grow cycle and my plants are stunted about 4 to 6 inches high, they all appear healthy, hearty goid colored leaves just ahort with no real branching. Any helpfull advice is aporeciated.


Well-Known Member
Im not positive but it could be the MG soil and Nutrients. heres a few
examples of what happy CC auto plants in a good high porosity medium look like.
1st Natural. 2ndTopped and lst. 3rd topped lst and transplanted. all 3 around 7weeks oldScreenshot_2015-05-17-08-24-59.pngScreenshot_2015-05-17-08-23-42.png


Well-Known Member
you should be using a soil such as fox farms, roots organics, etc, sometimes mixing perlite or hydroton if a really good idea especially if your not using a choice brand of soil. as for nutrients, many excellent brands out there, but you should be shopping at a hydro store to make it easy to find a good one. it's very hard to find good nutes at a big box store and you'll be lucky to find even one good option but many big box stores in my area at least have the fox farms 3 part.


Well-Known Member
Suggestion on a brand of nutrients?
Ive had good luck indoors with general hydroponics products. grow/micro/bloom. also tried their floraduo for free when it was brand new. The guy at my fav store wanted someone to test it for free. both were successfull. also added liquid and powdered kool bloom towards end of flower.

The above plants are grown in Promix hp. its the only "soil" product local grow stores push around here, and every grower i know personally uses it.

MG soil is very harsh for young cannabis plants. i dont feed my plants anything but water for the first 4-6 weeks depending.
those CC plants weren't fed anything for the first 5 weeks and have only had 2 feedings of 1/4 strength fish emulsion and superthrive since.
Are your plants indoor? what kind of light and how many hours is it on for?


New Member
Ive had good luck indoors with general hydroponics products. grow/micro/bloom. also tried their floraduo for free when it was brand new. The guy at my fav store wanted someone to test it for free. both were successfull. also added liquid and powdered kool bloom towards end of flower.

The above plants are grown in Promix hp. its the only "soil" product local grow stores push around here, and every grower i know personally uses it.

MG soil is very harsh for young cannabis plants. i dont feed my plants anything but water for the first 4-6 weeks depending.
those CC plants weren't fed anything for the first 5 weeks and have only had 2 feedings of 1/4 strength fish emulsion and superthrive since.
Are your plants indoor? what kind of light and how many hours is it on for?
I am growing outdoors in large pots so they get around 12 hours of sunlight a day i fed them MG the other day that was the first feed and it seems to brighten them up but still stunted at 4 and a half weeks. I have another set of northern lights autoflower i havent started yet and i found a place by me that sells fox farm mix ao i plan on using that this time. Problem is i dont live in a legal state so i cant just go in and ask them what to do,hopefully they have some of the nutes you mentioned. Thank you


Well-Known Member
Grow stores already know what your growing and they dont make money by turning away people that arent legal, just say you have plants (dont say what they are) that are stalled halfway through flowering. they should be able to recomend something. cash is best when going to these stores.
Auto flowering plants prefer to have as much light as possible so this is probably where you lost all your vegetive growth. if possible start your Auto NL plants indoor under 20, or 24 hours of light for a month before moving outdoors


Well-Known Member
I second that advice of paying cash in a hydro store. a well know local Oregon store had all there credit card transaction copied/confiscated by loe 2 years ago. that's when I started avoiding that type of thing..