newbie in need?


Active Member
well ill start by saying thank god for this page i have started a grow my plants are only 4 weeks old and quite small? i planted them in a potting soil from wal-mart called EXPERT gardener has seemed to work fine just put food to them once half a teaspoon of miracle grow all purpose 24-8-16 i realize thats high on the first number but origianally was gonna keep them outside? i saw a real growth stunt the first two days havent used it since just filtered water that has sat for days room temp. i only water when the soil cracks i keep the closet about 75 degrees with 35% humitity and am using 4- f40 daylight bulbs 4 ft. seems to be doin okay my issue is the top leaves are turning yellow alittle ? and am worried im a paranoid guy anyway and am really trying to be self supportive on a small budget! i have listed some pics let me know what you think i really appreciate it i also have a fan on them constantly ?
should i continue with the food? or just straight filtered water?



Well-Known Member
check your ph.... whats the ph of the water your using high ph can cause mg and zinc lockout and yellow top leaves and cause them to grow slow and tiny

feed em 1\4 strength every other watering or less..... less is more


Active Member
thank you guys love this site wouldnt of even got this far lol but its a great gift i use the filtered water from the tap but it is filtered i guess i need to get a test kit can you get anything like that at a wal-mart?


Active Member
how long should i keep it 24 hr. and when would it be good to put it on 12 12 they are only 6 inches tall at the most? since im gonna try to keep them indoors?


Well-Known Member
thank you guys love this site wouldnt of even got this far lol but its a great gift i use the filtered water from the tap but it is filtered i guess i need to get a test kit can you get anything like that at a wal-mart?
you can in the fish pet area but i dnt think it will give you the range you need..... ebay is always a good place to chk you can find some cheap shit anything is better than nothin.its a vicious cycle when you show deficiancies and try to feed to fix it than burn a plant cause it just needed correct ph ... 6.5-6.8 is a good range to shoot for in soil


Well-Known Member
how long should i keep it 24 hr. and when would it be good to put it on 12 12 they are only 6 inches tall at the most? since im gonna try to keep them indoors?
how much space you got what lights... generally its best to grow more small plants indoors... a light can only penetrate so far b4 it becomes useless

if you use cfl lighting and surround the plant from top to bottom its only the hight of a room to restrict you if you use a horizantal hid its best to keep em from getting too tall and keep an evan canopy


Active Member
well ill check it out thank you for your time and info its nice to know people are able to help ill keep the post and pics. coming once again thank you


Active Member
using florescent lights 4 f 40 bulbs 3050 lumens apeace two bulbs over two plants im growing in a 2ft 9 x 2ft 2 space 8 foot high my lights are on the floor tilted to top of wall pots are stagered 2 pots on floor two higher on other pots? seems to be workin pretty good but could use some advice on a limited budget? that sucks lol but am tryin and have found it to be very fullfiling! my temps range from 75 to 80 degrees and the humd. is usually 30-40?



Active Member
using florescent lights 4 f 40 bulbs 3050 lumens apeace two bulbs over two plants im growing in a 2ft 9 x 2ft 2 space 8 foot high my lights are on the floor tilted to top of wall pots are stagered 2 pots on floor two higher on other pots? seems to be workin pretty good but could use some advice on a limited budget? that sucks lol but am tryin and have found it to be very fullfiling! my temps range from 75 to 80 degrees and the humd. is usually 30-40?