Newbie in need


hi everyone
i have been growing a thai plant for the past month or so now i water it when the top of the soil gets dry and feed it every friday
it looks healthy and seems to be growing good, im just wondering if there is anything else ishould be doing?
IMG_1157.jpgIMG_1158.jpgIMG_1159.jpgalso here are some pictures to show you what it looks like


Well-Known Member
At some point you will probably have to get a bigger pot. If you are growing it at the windowsill I hope you are in a legal place as a Thai (sativa) plant will get huge.

If growing at the window you need to apply basically the same lighting schedule as outdoors (unless you want to control that). So at the moment it will just keep growing (or vegging - assuming you are n the Northern hemisphere). Mid summer when the solstice hits the light will start reducing and it will then start flowering. From then on it's anybodies guess how long it will take to ripen, all depends on the plant. Alternatively you could hide it in a dark cupboard eveynight making sure it gets 12 hours of dark and eventually the plant will start to flower.

You have a way to go yet.

Good luck.



Well-Known Member
is that plant from clone? looks it.

get some more light on it if you can, if not it will start to take off when the sun gets a little closer and the days start getting longer.

Hugo Phurst

Well-Known Member
"should i just put in under any old lamp? " - No. If you have money, go HID lamps. If you're on a tight budget, CFL's.


Well-Known Member
Ok everything here on out depends on your budget and your want to make this plant a part of your life, many many increments possible, you could go and get 2 42w cfls and be done with it or you could go and spend 120-300 and get a kit off ebay that has a decent light that you could start pulling 1-3ozs off a plant, or you might be loaded and be able spend big on great stuff, how big it gets depends on what you can put into it