Newbie looking for advice

Will this light be good for 5 plants?

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Hello all at Rollitup!! This is my first time using a forum, and also my first time growing! My first question is this... Is this a decent light to START with?(see Ebay link)
I plan on upgrading to LED eventually, as I have been reading that it is the most light and power effective.
I have also picked up some Miracle grow time release bloom food and Miracle grow water soluble nutrients.
I ordered some White Rhino seeds from Nirvana as well, after reading some posts here, and deciding to put my faith in them. I shall continue to read around the forum, thanks in advance to everyone!!


Eat, Smoke, and Be happy!:joint::peace:
Thanks, I hope the strain comes out decent. Have you used Nirvana before?

Also, how do I EDIT my posts? I havent been able to figure it out yet.
Yep, light is fine.

If your shelling out cash for a light and seeds, I'd recommend getting other soil and nutes than Miracle grow. Thus, you will avoid salt-build up and a harsh taste in your smoke.

I started with MG but moved on to Fox Farm products but any organic higher end stuff will save you lots of headaches and wasted time.
I was reading a little about that, thanks for the advice, I'll look into some Organic Ferts. If I don't over fert, I can avoid that Salt build up yea? Or is it inevitable?


Well-Known Member
I say it depends on several factors.

1. What size is your room?
2. How many plants are you growing?
a. What is the style of growing you will be exercising?
b. What is the size of the pot/system you will be using?
c. What is method of trimming you will be using?
d. How much veg will you give your plants to make them tall or bushy?
3. Will you be flowering with the same bulb?
4. What kind of ventilation do you have planned?
1. What size is your room? The grow room at this time, has a maximum height of 4 feet, and an unlimited Length(Attic)
2. How many plants are you growing? I have 5 White Rhino seeds in transit, via Nirvana, so, hopefully just the five little buggers for now, until I can clone them.
a. What is the style of growing you will be exercising? Soil.
b. What is the size of the pot/system you will be using? Homemade Vegetable box, to be built to rooms dimensions.
c. What is method of trimming you will be using? Unsure at this point, any recommendations?
d. How much veg will you give your plants to make them tall or bushy? Bushy, and I was unaware amount of Veg altered Height(alack more veg more height)
3. Will you be flowering with the same bulb? MH bulb for Veg, HPS for Flower.
4. What kind of ventilation do you have planned? Just a couple 6 inch fans placed throughout the room

Burger Boss

Well-Known Member
Hey Shadow, that's a nice setup, something I would def. use for a small indoor grow. That 400 watt mh/hps should cover about 8 sq. feet. Good luck & good grow......BB


Well-Known Member
Hey Shadow, that's a nice setup, something I would def. use for a small indoor grow. That 400 watt mh/hps should cover about 8 sq. feet. Good luck & good grow......BB
8 sq ft? UM NO, try 3 sq ft and the main intensity is in a 2 sq ft area. A 1000W has an 8 sq ft footprint.

Hey Shadow, that's a nice setup, something I would def. use for a small indoor grow. That 400 watt mh/hps should cover about 8 sq. feet. Good luck & good grow......BB
THANKS! I will post pictures as soon as my Rhino's start to break seed! \
My Plan

Phase 1: Germination. Via Paper Towel, Plate, and Black Cup(to block light from the Lamp I use for warmth).

Phase 2: Miniature green house(with Black Gold, Organic Seedling Mix) in Plastic Beer Pong until plant breaks ground.

Phase 3: Transplant to Final Growing Medium(Homemade box) Where the MH light will be.
Only 3 SQ. feet? Can I pack five plants into the tight of a space? Also, my light cannot get further from the soil than 4 feet, meaning, my plant is going to get very close to my light at some point, how can I prevent this, or what can I do to fix it? My ceiling is 50 inches, and my box is about 10 inches deep, soil wise, meaning my plants only have 40 inches to grow, until they are too tall... Will this be a serious problem, or do I just need to make sure I have GOOD hydration, ventilation, and HEAT control?


Active Member
I use miracle grow and from what i've experienced and heard it isn't the best soil to use so when i went to buy nutes and all i came across was miracle grow i turned it down. as of now i'm goin organic i mix my water with molasses and everythings goin well so far i'm proud of my results... i posted pics on my profile if you wanna take a look
Very nice set up. I haven't selected a particular soil yet, and was looking for advice on that as well. Organic fert is is!!! I already got the Miracle Grow All Purpose Water Soluble fert, and Time released Bloom. I guess I'll save those for my bagseed experiments or whatnot?


Well-Known Member
1. What size is your room? The grow room at this time, has a maximum height of 4 feet, and an unlimited Length(Attic)
2. How many plants are you growing? I have 5 White Rhino seeds in transit, via Nirvana, so, hopefully just the five little buggers for now, until I can clone them.
a. What is the style of growing you will be exercising? Soil.
b. What is the size of the pot/system you will be using? Homemade Vegetable box, to be built to rooms dimensions.
c. What is method of trimming you will be using? Unsure at this point, any recommendations?
d. How much veg will you give your plants to make them tall or bushy? Bushy, and I was unaware amount of Veg altered Height(alack more veg more height)
3. Will you be flowering with the same bulb? MH bulb for Veg, HPS for Flower.
4. What kind of ventilation do you have planned? Just a couple 6 inch fans placed throughout the room
Let me know if I lose you anywhere along the lines here.

1. 4 ft of height leaves little room to grow. A plant can easily grow to be 3.5 ft to 7 ft if allowed to grow naturally. I suggest a vertical grow but not as advanced as the hydro version. Get the light on e-bay and when it comes in dis-assemble the fixture to have it verticle. Store the bulb and light hood incase you plan to have a horizontal MH system somewhere else for vegging seperately. Get a verticle specific MH bulb and install it (the stock HPS should be ok for vertical mount). On top of that you are going to be working in an attic, I hope your ambient temperatures remain around 72*F up there, if they are a bit warmer consider creating a cool tube'd light and venting the lights hot air seperate of your grow space. If it is hotter than 85*F I would not recommend trying there without a cooling plan. Plant the 5 seeds AROUND the vertical hanging bulb in the middle in simple pots (always a good idea to plant each seed seperately). Be sure your area is light tight.

2. I would recommend you research topping and FIMing as well as LST all of these techniques are meant to create multiple colas lower on the plant than natural. You can also create a vertical ScrOG by using chicken wire around your light between the plants and the light. When the plant grows out you tie it down on an empty spot on the chicken wire until it is 1/2 full and then flower. You will not grow a bushy plant without one of those techniques.

3. Seems like a good value then

4. You may need to monitor some temps with your system setup and lights on for a few hours to see if your ventilation plans are adequate.



Well-Known Member
BTW< LED lighting is not an upgrade just yet, give the technology a few more years and it may be. There really is no replacement for HID.
Let me know if I lose you anywhere along the lines here.

1. 4 ft of height leaves little room to grow. A plant can easily grow to be 3.5 ft to 7 ft if allowed to grow naturally. I suggest a vertical grow but not as advanced as the hydro version. Get the light on e-bay and when it comes in dis-assemble the fixture to have it verticle. Store the bulb and light hood incase you plan to have a horizontal MH system somewhere else for vegging seperately. Get a verticle specific MH bulb and install it (the stock HPS should be ok for vertical mount). On top of that you are going to be working in an attic, I hope your ambient temperatures remain around 72*F up there, if they are a bit warmer consider creating a cool tube'd light and venting the lights hot air seperate of your grow space. If it is hotter than 85*F I would not recommend trying there without a cooling plan. Plant the 5 seeds AROUND the vertical hanging bulb in the middle in simple pots (always a good idea to plant each seed seperately). Be sure your area is light tight.

2. I would recommend you research topping and FIMing as well as LST all of these techniques are meant to create multiple colas lower on the plant than natural. You can also create a vertical ScrOG by using chicken wire around your light between the plants and the light. When the plant grows out you tie it down on an empty spot on the chicken wire until it is 1/2 full and then flower. You will not grow a bushy plant without one of those techniques.

3. Seems like a good value then

4. You may need to monitor some temps with your system setup and lights on for a few hours to see if your ventilation plans are adequate.

Hmm, Well, using a soil system, if I were to set the plants on their sides, would they be able to reach the water?

Would this be hard on the stems and whatnot?
After reading a bit, I think SuperCropping is something that I may want to look into.
maybe a screen as well, but I feel like im going to lose my Cola's that way, and im excited about those!:joint::joint: