Newbie LST* Flurescent Grow


Hello everyone, my purpose for this post is to display my current setup. I do plan on typing a bit so, if you are planning on reading be in for a mindful. All of your thoughts or suggestions whether they are negative or positive are greeted with a warm welcome. Now to dive in>


Coffin like cabinet, made of wood, that is…L x W x H = 4.5feet by 2 feet by 2 feet. Edges are lined with reflective tape. Painted black on outside for added stealth. I do realize I am working with a small space.

As far as lighting I have a T5HO 2 bulb, 4 foot fixture and, a unknown T12 2 bulb, 4 foot fixture.

T5 3500K is putting out an estimated 8,000 lumens. T12 6500K is 4,000 lumens. By next week I hope to have an additional T5 with 5500 bulbs.

Soil is “Vermisoil” bought from a local hydro store. Pots are short and square not sure on actual size. (I am skeptical if I can finish in such a small space.

Ventilation is two pc fans. One for both intake and outtake… Which are placed so cold are is brought in on the bottom and hot are escapes through the top fan.

Don’t be getting all excited. I am enough for the lot of us. He he ho ho

Strain: Bubba Cookies. I believe it is bubba kush with girl scout cookies! Please correct me but I can’t find any information on this cross. I have seen many cookie plants indoor and outdoor and mine closely resemble.

Using azos powder fertilizer for veg but haven’t had the need to had any. Haven’t purchased nutrients for flower although I have a sample from said hydro store. NPK 4-4-7.


SO FAR, it has been 47 day since my first clone was transplanted. That’s six weeks I believe. My other four were transplanted two weeks later. They were taller than my first girl and now new growth has remained smaller in general.

Plants have been trained using green garden wire tie.

Im looking for advice from cfl and fluorescent growers. ALL and I repeat ALL comments as previously stated are welcome.

Pictures will be posted by 12 am PST


This is the same clone as previous lost but more cuurent (taken on monday).
Tied down in three places. Couldn't be more happy with results of lst.

