Newbie Master Kush Crop


Well-Known Member
no he died, but i got another pit bull. i still miss his extra hyper adhd havin ass. i saw a pup for sale a few days ago.. i almost broke and my ife was no help.. i do want another bulldog.. like another boston or a english bulldog. and i can tell my other dog still misses him.
Thats to bad man sorry about your loss. French bulldogs are badass too..

i'm entering my white widow in the pcc. either that or one of these kushes most likely widow.. i'm goin for the yield win, so then again i might do one from seed for the prettiest one. g'luck
Ahh sweet I'll be looking forward to it....

oh, how i wish i could do so without fear of certain individuals recognizing them =/
I hear ya safety first.


Active Member
I have a cheap one a friend gave me and wasnt impressed, seemed only half the buzz, but I hear the good ones are worth the cash.


Well-Known Member
My buddy told me the same thing that his sucked and tasted bad but it was a cheaper version. I'm thinking they have to be way healthier...


Active Member
My buddy told me the same thing that his sucked and tasted bad but it was a cheaper version. I'm thinking they have to be way healthier...
Look up Herbalaire they are the bomb!! I have never experienced the same in 17 years of smoking!!
Quality product!!


Well-Known Member
Latest Infraction received only infraction received.

Latest Infractions Received (1 point(s) total)
06-30-2010 12:16 PM
: Private
Insulted Other Member(s)


Well-Known Member
LOL minus 1 point. Fdd banned some of my favorites so I don't get along with him very well. He does rule the universe you know... LOL


Active Member
Its the seed review thread? looks like they have a problem with speedy's split off. So if big brother is listening...... you know they seem to run off people often. The best tutorial I found was Roseman's and somebody pissed him off enough that he just stopped and finished at 420magazine. And this guy is not aggressive at all really nice guy, so I've started spreading points like the , psst its you're hit.............


Well-Known Member
1 point from what? your rep? lmao dam he burned you! haha hope you dont get too upset about that one chain i dont wanna see you leave RIU.
LOL he's a punk and he can suck it.

Its the seed review thread? looks like they have a problem with speedy's split off. So if big brother is listening...... you know they seem to run off people often. The best tutorial I found was Roseman's and somebody pissed him off enough that he just stopped and finished at 420magazine. And this guy is not aggressive at all really nice guy, so I've started spreading points like the , psst its you're hit.............
LOL Sorry kept it too long time to pass it. Kushi it's to you now haha

Naughty've been reprimanded
HAHA Yes sir sorry I been bad.


Well-Known Member
Ok so I'm a proud dad when it comes to my doggy. I'll show you why. I had his mom so he's been mine since day 1. Hell I helped pull him out.



Active Member
Great pup dude love that last pic. pool looks nice and clean. My Last house had one. love hate thing, lots of fun, lots of work, do your own maintance? I got to know the guy that worked at Leslie's way too well.
Dogs are so cool. He's ready for more!!



Active Member
Ok so I'm a proud dad when it comes to my doggy. I'll show you why. I had his mom so he's been mine since day 1. Hell I helped pull him out.

dude he is so cute! i want a small dog like that one day.. right now i have an american bulldog. he doesnt do much playing anoymore hes big and lazy. thinks he is a lap dog too. hell jump on the couch and sit so close to you that you wont be able to see the tv.. then when he lays down half of his body is in ur lap. he is a good boy tho and i love him to death. seems like you found a keeper ;). its so facinating how much a dog can love, and yet when they do something bad and they know it, they give you the 'IM SORRRRRYYYYYYYY' look and they look so sad. how can you punish yell at that face? lol