newbie needin help

I would like some help on what seeds to get for my first attempt at growing :leaf: all help would be greatly appreciated. I have got a 600w hps lighting system and fans I have a good soil mix from my local hydro shop and b/w for walls. I,ve been told to buy feminized seeds but I don,t know what to do? pls pls pls help


Active Member
if it is your very first grow i would just try some bag seed, that way it doesn't cost you so much for this learning experience. good luck


Well-Known Member
Durban poison and domino. sensi seeds bug bud very easy to grow. serious seeds bubblegum great choice to learn with. but nirvanna have some good strains and good prices. good shiping to. got all mine in 4 days. try them and try white widow.wonder women or lowryder. white castle all good strains from nirvanna for first timer growers


Well-Known Member
Ya start with bag seed.. but since you have a decent setup you could even order some cheaper seeds from a legit breeder. Dont be afraid to buy Regular seeds.. its not hard to determine sex.. and if you have a hard time.. you can always post pics on the forum and people will help you ... The only reason I suggest reg seeds is because they are normally a little more stable and you dont have to worry about herms .. which are harder to detect when your a new grower.

What kind of high do you desire.. sedative or active. Northern Lights #5 is a good hardy one.. flowers fast. Hindu Kush is easy .. La Confidential... Just dont pick a long flowering, picky, sativa hybrid for your first time.. pick something that flowers fast so you have less opportunities to mess it up :).. atleast till you get into the swing of things... Good luck and take your time.. all will go well.. !
;-) thank you all very much for your info, I,m looking for a sedative effect from my smoke as I,ve got serious insomnia. I would also like to know what the difference between indica and sativa? I have terra vega for veg period and terra flores and buddy link for flowering. need to do some serious reading as I don,t know how much nutes to give and how often?


New Member
The best suggestion I can offer is to read, study, plan, and act BEFORE germinating a seed. There is TONS of FREE great info on RIU. Read through all the stickies in The Newbie Central, General Growing, and indoor growing forums. In the newbie central forum there is a sticky called Grow Videos. The thread is several how-to videos from master growers for first timers.

I also agree that you should use bagseed for a first grow. Save some money. If you start germinating 10, statistically 3 should be healthy females. This way you get experience with males and how to deal with them as well.

Just always remember it is an "HERB" that wants to grow. If you stick to the basics and Keep It Simple, you should be just fine. Then you can ask pertinent questions on your first SUCCESSFUL grow!

Welcome Aboard!


Active Member
headband and sleestack are two very newbie oriented strains, high in medicinal qualities. These two strains thrive quite well in most indoor and outdoor settings. I've transplanted them outdoors late in the spring and they did well with night time temps dropping to 50 to 55 degrees very hardy girls. Alot of the seed banks give pretty good descriptions of the other qualities assosiated with each strain.


Active Member
Bag seed is not a bad Idea first time around. Ask around mabey a friend saved some seeds from some thing good. Plan to have issues to deal with your first try. and don't spend a fortune on those first germinated seeds. peace and good luck, Good job registering on the sight. Probably be one of your best growing decicions, lots off otherwise unobtainable info here
sorry not got any friends that I can ask for seeds I wouldn,t know where to start I,ll just have to get them on my own!!! thanks R,I,U for all advice and hopefully have some nice buds of my own soon. I will call them my friends lol.


Well-Known Member
sorry not got any friends that I can ask for seeds I wouldn,t know where to start I,ll just have to get them on my own!!! thanks R,I,U for all advice and hopefully have some nice buds of my own soon. I will call them my friends lol.
The nirvana suggestion is a good one if you HAVE to buy sees.. they are very affordable and can produce some quality meds :)
just been looking at some seedbanks and none seem to have bagseed. Nirvanna looks ok but too expensive if I,m not guaranteed a female knowing my luck £60.00 and all I would get 10 males I may try pick n mix £5.99 each all advice is read thoroughly and taken on board ta very much R,I,U members.


Well-Known Member
bag seed is seeds you get from a bag of weed :) lol... and if you get 10 males in a 10 pack .. then u should sell your shit and make sure not to walk by a black cat!
sorry i don,t know the lingo yet but i will learn as quickly as i can read . we don't get any seeds in our weed where I come from shitty place and fucking freezing most of the year so indoor is the only way for me to grow any decent meds...