Newbie needing some help


Hey guys I am new to this site and new to growing. I have 1 small outdoor grow completed and under my belt and have my 2nd outdoor grow under way right now.
I am looking to invest in a grow tent so that I can grow year round, the only problem is that I can't have a grow going on inside my house. I can however have a grow tent in my back yard, i have been looking into this for a few weeks now but I am concerned about heat being an issue. I live in southern Cali so the temps can get pretty high at times, the area I would have the tent is on my patio underneath the patio cover (shady area).

I can't find anyone that has utilized a grow tent outdoors like this and being that I am a new and have little knowlege on this stuff I figured I would post my situation up on here and see if I can get some help on my potential project.

Any help is appreciated


Active Member
why would you use a tent outside if you can grow without one outside?
you can have a tent indoors and get a carbon filter so there is absolutely no smell if that's what your worried about.
If your parents don't want you to grow, then don't grow. Thats literally the only reason why you can't grow inside. If you're worried about smell, carbon filter. If you're worried about being busted, don't tell anyone. If you're worried about unexpected visitors, grow in your bedroom or a closet. Seriously, wait until you move out to grow kiddo.


I want to be able to grow year round. Its a combination of smell and pissing my roommates off that has me wanting to do this outside. I'm the only one who smokes weed here and I know they would flip out if they went out in the garage and saw I threw a tent in there. I have a 1 year old son so I can't have it in my room either(not too mention my room is the smallest in this house). I am really the only one who goes in the backyard and I already have a grow going on out there.


Active Member
You can pull it off outdoors with a tent, shed or make your own box. Cali does get hot in the summer you made need a portable AC unit so get something big enough to hold some extra stuff that will go into it. You will still need exhaust in and out as well. I don't see it being an issue at all. Just make sure whatever you use can withstand the elements. Dude weed is pretty much legal in Ca. maybe you need some new roomies. I assume you have your medical card? If so then its legit up to 6.


Yeah I have my card, I'm just sick of donating $300+ every month on weed. I have 2 XXX kush,1 Tahoe og and 1 hero og plants in the back yard and they are doing wonderfully. I appreciate the advice bro


Active Member
So if you are donating $300.00 a month then that is an issue. That is a lot of money, me personally I don't even smoke an 1/8 a week....just a few bowls to relax at night and on weekends. Anyway, I was at lowes this weekend and saw these cool little storage cabinets made for outside, something around 2x3x6 foot. Made to be weather proof and sit on the side of your house, even had a door that could be locked. You could easily make something out of that. In fact there is a company who makes these boxes already I forget the name and they are expensive, I will see if I can find the post or where I saw it would give you some ideas.