newbie needs a little help


hey everyone this is my first grow i have 3 plants in party cups they just shed there shell and got their tiny leaves i have them under one t5 light right now(2000 lumen),my question is can i put these under my hps light now or keep them under the t5 for a little bit longer


thx for the reply and nice plants man,i have the light on 24/0 is that ok or should i give them a dark period


Well-Known Member
10" is a little tall, if that's only a 2,000 lumen light. It'll be stretching like crazy, by then. Wait til it has at least one set of serrated leaves, then boost the light. I put mine under full light, right away, and never had a problem. They grow in the sun, right? It's alot more intense than any growlight, and they handle it fine. They crave it, actually. It's the heat you have to worry about, with the HPS, mainly.

Green Love

Well-Known Member
Keep the light 6 to 8 inches from the top of your plant, about 2 weeks ought to be enough for hps, you might want to change to a bigger container, as rootbound will acure. Then for like a week you'll wonder why your plant hasn't grown, lol. The longer you stare at the faster it grows, i tried it, my plant only sways side to side, lol.