Newbie needs help with outdoor feeding


Well-Known Member
Get some Jack's dynamic duo ferts (google it) and apply a table spoon of the bloom formula every 3rd watering, or 14 days.. You will create Monsters!... Quaranteed!! :) Good luck, and peace. :)


Well-Known Member
A good normal common flowering nute is 15-30-15 or 4-8-4 these are N-P-K levels. Look in your local gardening supplies store for one of those or one for "blooming" usually with a higher "P" level then "N" or "K" (n-p-k)


Well-Known Member
one simple way would be to top dress the plants with dry ferts. I think foxfarm has a bunch of different bags of powdered nutrients and theres one formula called fruit and flower that has all the goodies you want - and all you do is scratch it into the surface of the soil and water it in - that's it!


Well-Known Member
Liquids absorb quickly, so you'll need to feed more often. Dry fertilizer is the opposite, making them a good choice if your looking to feed less often or worried about over fertilizing. Always look at the the NPK numbers of the packaging of the fertilizer or nutrients. While the plant is growing you want a boot of N, but when flowering reduce N and use more PK. If in doubt go with a balanced mix like 5-5-5, where all numbers are equal.


New Member
I've had good luck with the EarthJuice products. They are the nastiest smelling products on the market, I swear. But, something that smells that bad must work, right? I pretty much follow their Advanced Feeding Schedule (which you can find online) - but the Grow, Bloom and Catalyst are the main 3 products (I also use the MetaK and the Microblast). Use the Grow & Catalyst during veg and Bloom & Catalyst during flowering. Currently, I'm transitioning between Grow/Bloom - so I'm using 1/2 of each. Will do that for another couple of weeks, and then switch over to just Bloom. Sounds like an ad for EarthJuice, huh? Sorry, just started using the products this year, and am VERY pleased with the results so far - so I'm a big EarthJuice fan at the moment :-)

And, as the last post suggested, I will also top dress about 2 weeks into flowering. I use a high PK bat guano (used worm castings during veg). Not sure if you can find bat guano everywhere - but it's in every garden store around here. Good luck!