newbie needs help


Hi all
just need some advice on a few things. I have 2 plants under cfls all has been going well up until last week. I have noticed one plant is looking great and the other is dropping and a few leaves have shriveled but not got crispy.I have also noticed it might be time to sex them but not sure what they are will upload some picture. Any help would be great


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Well-Known Member
that last picture clearly shows you have PM ...the white blotches are the Powdery Mildew

you need to address this ASAP as it will spread to every plant, hopefully it has not already

this is a home made formula you can mix up right away....others may suggest over the counter products which may be better

Ingredients: (you can scale this down to a smaller batch)
  • 1 gallon of water
  • 1 tablespoon of baking soda
  • 1 tablespoon of vegetable oil
  • 1 tablespoon of dish washing liquid
Mix the ingredients together and add them to a spray bottle, spray your plants weekly, preferably at end of light cycle.


Thanks for the speedy response guys I will get that made up in the next few days. Maybe I will add some pics next week


Well-Known Member
Do you foilar feed ?
Almost looks like residue and not PM.
I would cut off tip shown in the last picture however.
Post more pics of just leaves.


Do you foilar feed ?
Almost looks like residue and not PM.
I would cut off tip shown in the last picture however.
Post more pics of just leaves.
if u have vents n fans, your over watering or not enough drainage. good job tho.
ok so I have just taken more pics of the leaves. when I water i do sometimes get water on the leaves do you reckon it could be that ?
I don't have fans or vents as they are in a wardrobe that I can't damage as it's a fitted one. using coco coir and the damage seems to be fine I get a good run off when I water. Using canna a+b nite at 3ml each per 2 liters. Think I covered everything lol thanks again for the help.



Well-Known Member
if it's just a few of the lower leaves with PM, then cut them off now and get them out of your home...that shit can/will infect every plant

if it's on more than just a few of the lower leaves, then you need to deal with this quickly

edit: get fans of them plants, and it would help if you can lower your RH of the room


Ok so I have made up and treated with the formula isk recommended and snipped the horrible leaves. Hopefully that will sort that one out now is there anything I can do with a hermie ?
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Well-Known Member
Ok so I have made up and treated with the formula isk recommended and snipped the horrible leaves. Hopefully that will sort that one out now is there anything I can do with a hermie ?
kill the bastard unless you want it to knock-up your gals...remove from home, and/or burn it or bury it


So after a week of moving leaves and trying to get rid of the white stuff I think I have done it. Also I removed the few balls that was on the hermi and no more have grown but it is shooting buds from everywhere I will upload some pics later and see what you think


Well-Known Member
Do you foilar feed ?
Almost looks like residue and not PM.
I would cut off tip shown in the last picture however.
Post more pics of just leaves.
That's what I think, too. It looks like dried salt from either hard water or from foliar feeding, to me.


Well-Known Member
Oh! lol! Sorry! Um…Foliar feeding just means to spray the leaves with fertilizer-water so that the nutrients are absorbed faster. I prefer to not foliar feed, but lots of people do it. And it does leave salt residue on the leaves, sometimes.