Newbie needs some HELP

:-PHey Guys,

Im new to this place and to growing but been a stoner for years, I have started setting up a grow in my loft the space is approx 5 x 7 x 6 high I have made a tent out of battens and black and white, and have a 4inch intake and a 4 inch carbon filter out take and a 16 inch oscilating fan, I have a 600 watt hps light and inted to grow about 10 plants in a 4 x 4 space in the middle, the plants are super clones from blue cheese do you think thie light would be enough, and the would the intakes and out takes be enough. Like i said im new to this so all comments would be much appreciated.

Cheers guys


Well-Known Member
lofts are a pain somtimes is it fully insulated? if you want good results id go for 100watts a plant
The floor and walls are but not the roof would this be a big problem as the room is nearly ready, also what makes them a pain? cheers


Well-Known Member
temp makes them a pain bro when its cold out side its cold in your room when its hot its hot but if you fully insulate it it should be ok you might need a bigger exhaust aswell
Thanks for the info i'll have to keep an eye on it maybe do a grow threw the summer and then when i get some cash maybe re-do
9 plants is a lot for 600w. I have 9 plants under 1000w in a 4x4x6.5 tent and am glad I didn't try and fit more... Pictures also help out a lot, if you can take some it would be much easier to help......
No going to fully set up tonight and get some temp readings the cuts will be ready wednesday, so hopefully all will be good, do you think the out take is big enough its 4 inch with a bad boy filter? cheers


Well-Known Member
a mate runs 600watts in a smaller space than that and he has problams with heat his canopy sits at around 29-30 which is to hot, i wuda sayed go for 6 inch but just try wat you got for now.


Well-Known Member
mate move your extractor on the floor closer cause u want to use as little ducting as poss cause you lose suction.