Newbie on RIU. 2nd outdoor grow

So basically adding all your nutes to the field before even planting yea? Im gonna have to run it by the old man. Hes a real stubborn mofo stuck in his ways lol. Will have to show him your grow so he can see what doing a little extra for your plants can do for you.

ganga gurl420

Well-Known Member
So basically adding all your nutes to the field before even planting yea? Im gonna have to run it by the old man. Hes a real stubborn mofo stuck in his ways lol. Will have to show him your grow so he can see what doing a little extra for your plants can do for you.
So he doesn't even dig holes.

He just plants in a field and uses native soil?


Well-Known Member
So basically adding all your nutes to the field before even planting yea?
Yes, one method is to mix all your amendments, soak, and let the soil sit for a few months.
You can also "top dress" mid veg. This works better for smaller pot though..

It's a little late in the season..
Yea for the minimal effort he puts in he gets awesome amending no top dressing, nothing lol. Till around the plants a few times throughout the yr to keep weeds and stuff from taking over. Will definitely post pics next time i go up there
20180802_190611.jpg Eh like i said i know my neighborhood and i dont put it out there anyway . Half of them are old as hell and live inside their houses. The rest of us stand in the street and match different strains after work everyday.

Anyway, this is a pic of my situation here. This big ass tree blocks out my sun from about 5pm-8pm or so and ill catch an hr or so til sundown. The question is would u guys agree will maybe assassinating in the name of better cannabis? Lmfao if not i wont do it but if yes than i can poison it(their yard is the flood zone for the area so it wont run off into other yards). If i can kill it, it becomes a hazard to the houses and power lines so the electical company will come cut it down for free. It may take a few years to accomplish but I just paid my house off and these people are renters who you never see outside and could probably careless about the tree. They probably wont even be there by the time its dead

In the name of cannabis and a pool not filled with leaves, would it be okay or not okay?

ganga gurl420

Well-Known Member
Wtf would kill a perfectly healthy tree that is not even in your yard WITH POISON just so you can get high?!

Shame on you!:cuss:


Well-Known Member
Looks like that tree shades your home pretty well, leave it lol this is coming from someone that WISHED he had trees shading the house.
I can actually agree;

I would have said nah cut it but they cut a tree that gave my back yard privacy and then I got ripped.. so if it does cover your whole yard, I'd say trim it away not cut it down

ganga gurl420

Well-Known Member
I can actually agree;

I would have said nah cut it but they cut a tree that gave my back yard privacy and then I got ripped.. so if it does cover your whole yard, I'd say trim it away not cut it down
It's not HIS tree, it's his NEIGHBORS tree (look at pic) and he doesn't want to cut it he wants to poison it
Yes so electrical company would cut it and it wouldnt cost 8 grand lol. If u guys say no i wont do it lmao. And ganjagurl not just to get high but to have sunshine on the pool in the afternoons as well haha


Well-Known Member
Yes so electrical company would cut it and it wouldnt cost 8 grand lol. If u guys say no i wont do it lmao. And ganjagurl not just to get high but to have sunshine on the pool in the afternoons as well haha
That's why I said cut the leaves back; my pool gets lots of sun now that we did that on our neighbours tree
Yea you guys are probably right. Probably a lot older too lmao(im 20). Anyway with the input of others about the tree im over the hatred for it haha. With these 85-90 degree summers we've had the past few years its probly better they get some shade.

On a more upbeat note hears a pic of my 2 plants im doing indoor. World of seeds early harvest afghan(freebie supposedly takes 45-55 day to flower indoor- left) and a peyote cookie on the right in 7gal fabric pots(roots organic 707 with RO 2-2-3 and some calmag mixed in, never pH'd anything) started first week of may from seed. Switched to 12/12 about 10 days ago. 2.5x3.5x5 or so tent. 300w led w 4bulb t5.

Thats another thread tho. Sorry for the lengthy posts lol ive never met other people who are as interested in a weed as me so i keep it bottled up