Hey did anyone else realize that theres TWO different types of "grow big"?!?! one regular and one hydroponic,
Problem is the soil type is 6-4-4 and the hydro type is 3-2-6...
would have mentioned that but i never knew the ratios were that much different. that means within the last few years , they have had 3 different bottles of grow big!

they have "instant GB" for "soil" , GB for "soil" and now your showing me this "hydro GB" for "hydro". thats grounds for impeachment.
basically , the 2 you showed are both the same "instant" food. whats not the same though is those ratios. coco already has a lil K in it from the store.... so doubling the K in your food is bad. you never want double the k (compared to N) in any medium, specially NOT in a "veg food" ...... your plant needs a big dose of N, period. get the 6-4-4 (or a bottle of strait N for issues like this)
i HATE your pot. fuck them thangs...... i just found out its hard to overwater coco , but your pot is the one way to assure you can over do it. you dont want your medium sittin in that runoff at all. i know you waste a lot of food that way but its your only choice. if you dont let it run off , a lot of food will build up on the bottom an rot your girl an your soil.
Yeah, I made same mistake with my first nutrient purchase, I ordered ionic hydroponic nutrient solution; and used it in peatmoss which is like a middle ground between soil and hydro I suppose; I try to keep pH at around 6.5 but peatmoss and the nutrients have my pH little lower then desired at times, will def be picking up a more even balanced solution, mine is 3-1-5 grow big :/
the peatmoss plant I grew showed no signs of toxicity but just a few deficiencies and early on lost a bit of early veg foliage.
peat moss will cause a lot of problems as time passes..... the ph of peat is too low (around 5) so they put lime in their to buffer the ph out, but the lime only last so long , then your back to a very low ph. your food is fine , your peat is not letting the plant eat it. plus the peat your using is not inert.... it does have a little food in it from the fac. (not much) add some soil to your peat and you wont have any more N defs.
dont worry bout the ph of your liquid , cause that cant change the ph of the soil/coco/peat. that only works in hydro rocks. if you are using some too much peat right now an you need a quick fix then add some lime to the top an water it in real good. (fix will not be as quick as you want)
The first three look like a different problem than the last one. I think the first three look like water burn. Excessive drops of water on leaves that don't dry right away can create hot spots on your leaves. The sun literally heats the water up until it burns your plants. Are you foliar feeding or have they been out in the rain?
The last one, however, looks like nothing to worry about YET. If it spreads or gets worse it could be a larger problem.
Just my .02 cents.
all his plants have issues , an no the sun does not heat the water up to burn the leaf. the sun will use the water as a magnifying glass to burn your leaf , but this shit rarely ever happens. fans an dry air prevent that.
I agree with BB, I started in pro mix peatmoss and its much the same as coco with having to supply all nutrients to plant, I guess they are semi-hydro basically? It's been a nightmare trying to get it right on first time grow with nutrient dosages of TSP dilution.
peat is wanna be soil. coco is an inert medium but the both have a ph that they stay at, as to where hydros ph is where you put it. any good food with all the micronutes is fine for both peat or coco. food is food, all are the same ..... some organic , some chems ....still the same till it gets to the ratios.