newbie question about co2


Been reading a bit about co2 in your grow room. does anyone have any info about this? From what i read u can buy a 20 g tank and hook it up to a controller that turns it on to bring the room up to 1500 ppm then turns it off when it hits that. But it also said to run it against your exhaust so your not pulling out when your letting in co2. ( our exhaust and intake is set up to thermostat)


Well-Known Member
Yep you got it right, you can buy an integrated controller for a few hundred dollars that will run it all. You don't need it at night and you can push it to 2000 because it will help keep it at 1500 in the whole room. It's ok for the plants. u Can't have a fan sucking air out when it's on. Won't work. Co2 is heavy so hangs out around floor level, small fan to gently keep the air moving is a good idea. My plants love the stuff.



Well-Known Member
I have read hours of literature and articles on CO2 and there is such a small window of conditions where co2 will benefit your plants that unless you have your grow dialed in to run on supplemented co2 it is a waste of money.