newbie question


hi just wondering if anyone could tell me if this is normal since it is my first time growing... my plant is about 3-4weeks into flowering and the pistals are starting to turn brown already is that normal or am i doing something wrong?


100_2315.jpg100_2316.jpgnot sure how clear to pics are just the tips of some of the pistals starting to brown.. am i just being paranoid? also as i am new to this could someone tell me how much bigger do the buds normally get as they are only about 3-4weeks in..... the second pic the lil moth landed just as i was taking the pic plant is healthy no yellowing or browning of any leaves
they look really good and healthy with a long way to go, almost looks some kind of purple starting to happen.

here a vis of a few of mine taken a month or so ago, they still had 4 more weeks to go


yea is a bug.... there are no bugs around where the plant is just happened to land as i was taking photo.... was takin care very quickly and he will no longer be landing on her


haha. no guts at all they ended up between my fingers.... very protective when it comes to her no one else is good enough.... thanks about the plant too