Newbie Questions.


Active Member
1) When sites give information on maximum yields like 500G, do they mean that's the maximum yield per seed/plant or per 10 seeds/plants. Because most sites send packs of 10 seeds.

2) After you harvest and the cut the main stem, do the remaining stem continue to grow back? Or is cloning the only way to re-harvest?

3) I bought a 400W HPS light, approximately how many plants can it support?

4) On what type of platform should I place the flowering pots if water seeks through the bottom?

Any help is appreciated.


Well-Known Member
1. yield is given per meter squared (3x3 area, sog or monster dwc, it matters not)

2. you can reveg a mother, but clones are the fastest and safest bet.

3. depends on the size; a 400w will do a 3x3 with dim corners....

4. any type of catch pan if using soil. if hydro, you'll need a res more than likely. makes things easier...


Well-Known Member
1. yield is given per meter squared (3x3 area, sog or monster dwc, it matters not)

2. you can reveg a mother, but clones are the fastest and safest bet.

3. depends on the size; a 400w will do a 3x3 with dim corners....

4. any type of catch pan if using soil. if hydro, you'll need a res more than likely. makes things easier...
right as usual KP! way to go dude! (sorry couldn't resist - please forgive me)