newbie, sick plants?


So I was gonna grow a couple plants for my kid, and this project just keeps growing bigger and bigger.....

plant (large) is a 00 seed auto blueberry. Plants (small) are clones from same plant, I know a lot of folks debate how well one can clone autos but I am trying to get a reversed female and a small female to make more seeds for future....

soil is happy frog, clones in HF with about 25-30% coir to lighten it a bit more, they soaked 3 days in water then got planted, a bit over a week in dirt. Getting cal-mag every couple feedings, same w/ a fish fertilizer emulsion (big buds n blooms) plants in 32x32 tent under 2 LEDS for 18 hr days

,IMG_4969.jpgIMG_4968.jpgIMG_4964.jpgIMG_4966.jpg they seemed to have been doing well thus far. Now the clone fan leaves are yellowing from outside in, not sure if it is the plant using up energy in fan leaves to make roots or there is a nutrient issue, and the bigger plant I'm not sure if I should be concerned about the leaves as they look kind of darker green towards the outside and lighter in color where the fingers converge at the stem.....


thanks in advance!