Newbie. Think my plants sick :(


New Member
Hi Guys. I'm super new to the whole growing thing. And up until now things have been going pretty smooth. But now one of my plants is going slightly yellow and has the claw? I've attached photos of the two.. one looking good except for some slight yellow patches and the one I'm worried about.
I currently have them under 7 24w CFL lamps. They're in good quality organic soil with perlite mixed through.

The one on the right I'm worried about

See how she's clawing a bit and drooping? And there's a bit of burning on the edges...

This is my other plant.. she seems to be doing ok.. except for slight yellowing on the top??


New Member
Using nutrient pellets. I haven't been boiling them and adding them with water though.. probably a dumb move? Just kinda pushed pellets into the soil around the plant.. I'll take a picture of the nutrients. Hang on


New Member
Watering only every couple of days. I wait for the soil to et dry up to a nuckle deep before watering again. Watering about 1 1/2 to 2 cups when I do..


Well-Known Member
I just don't want to over feed cause the soil has neuts as well.. last time I fed though was when I put the pellets in two waters ago (a week ago?)
It doesnt look very green. If you dont want to add food then just wait it out. If it yellows more its needs food, if it gets better then it was over fed. Usually yellow means deficiancy and dark green means over feeding. Id say just hang tight and see how it goes.


Well-Known Member
let's see if I understand. you're using a soil that has nutrients and you also mixed in a different kind of nutrient as the dynamic lifter. You have kind of strange yellowing, meaning strange in that I haven't seen this kind before and seems to follow no set pattern.
I suspect that the soil might be a little too hot as we like to say, too rich in food. also, that soil looks dry and I'm not sure that 1.5 - 2 cups of water based on knuckle dry is the right amount. usually you water until you get a small amount of water out of the bottom of your pots. then let it dry quite a bit before you water again. your plants are very large but we can't see how far the roots have grown. haven't said all this, I can't determine if it's lack of water or a fert problem in the soil. I wonder if it's both at the same time. you can't do anything to remove the fert, so maybe give more water and see what happens. I wouldn't add anything else right now.


New Member
let's see if I understand. you're using a soil that has nutrients and you also mixed in a different kind of nutrient as the dynamic lifter. You have kind of strange yellowing, meaning strange in that I haven't seen this kind before and seems to follow no set pattern.
I suspect that the soil might be a little too hot as we like to say, too rich in food. also, that soil looks dry and I'm not sure that 1.5 - 2 cups of water based on knuckle dry is the right amount. usually you water until you get a small amount of water out of the bottom of your pots. then let it dry quite a bit before you water again. your plants are very large but we can't see how far the roots have grown. haven't said all this, I can't determine if it's lack of water or a fert problem in the soil. I wonder if it's both at the same time. you can't do anything to remove the fert, so maybe give more water and see what happens. I wouldn't add anything else right now.
I was wondering about the water as I don't really water enough to get run off.. I'll take a picture when the lights are back on of the whole set up.. the only reason I didn't think I was under watering is that my other greener one isn't drooping. In saying that she's starting to claw?


Well-Known Member
Lift the pot. If it feels heavy, then the plant is beginning to drown, in which case you let it dry. If it's light, then my best guess is a potassium deficiency, needs more nutes.


Well-Known Member
I was wondering about the water as I don't really water enough to get run off.. I'll take a picture when the lights are back on of the whole set up.. the only reason I didn't think I was under watering is that my other greener one isn't drooping. In saying that she's starting to claw?
You dont need runoff. Youre in organic soil, not soiless. If you water to runoff with organic soil all you do is wash out stuff that you want in there. Also the container you have that little plant in is pretty big for the plant size. If you water that plant heavy it may take a long time to dry out. Thatll give you more problems to deal with. Watering every two days is usually good as long as the container is pretty dry and light when you go to water. Watering every four or more days is bad.


New Member
You dont need runoff. Youre in organic soil, not soiless. If you water to runoff with organic soil all you do is wash out stuff that you want in there. Also the container you have that little plant in is pretty big for the plant size. If you water that plant heavy it may take a long time to dry out. Thatll give you more problems to deal with. Watering every two days is usually good as long as the container is pretty dry and light when you go to water. Watering every four or more days is bad.
Thanks! Appreciate your advice.


Well-Known Member
I said a small amount of runoff. just to ensure it's watered all the way through. I suspect that one plant that is clawing is sensitive to the soil. but not sure at this point.


Well-Known Member
You need to stop panicking lol, itll be fine. It probably is over feeding but just relax and see what happens. The white stuff on the leaf doesnt look like a bug problem. Looks like you sprayed water on them and it dried to a calcium deposit.