Newbie to growing about to start with Aerogarden.. help?!


Active Member
Okay so ive wanted to grow for years and now im in a position where i can. My problem im not really sure how, I got the aerogarden cuz it looked like an easy way to grow and figured if all else fails i can grow herbs and peppers with it. I bought some seeds from nirvana and have been trying to read the forums on what exactly to do when im all set. So I take the seeds and germinate them but with all the aerogarden threads I cant really find good instructions on how to transplant the seeds into the aerogarden and what light cycles \ extra stuff I should do... Any advice would be greatly appreacted :)


Active Member
After reading some more some people mentioned using some foxfarm products and maybe changing the lights out are these things good ideas to try has anybody had some personal expierance withem.. also something about the tempurature? I was just going to leave it out almost on a shelf or table would this be a bad idea? its about 70 room temp here