Newbie tries his first grow


Well-Known Member
you should have bought a meter that checks water moisture ph balance and lighting conditons all in one meter i found one at walmart for 8$


Active Member
We've got one week of 12/12 behind us now and I thought I'd post some picks.

Buds are clearly forming with lots of long white tendrils sticking out.

The plants are a little scraggly looking compared to some of the others I've seen here, but they seem healthier over the past 1-2 weeks.

A note on pH - I tested the tap water (with Pureblend Organic food in it) and it came in at about 5.5 - is that dangerously acidic for soil growing? If so, what is a cost-effective way to bring the pH up to 6.5-7.0 range?



Active Member
how much bud do you expect to get with all that strech
I haven't the slightest idea, which is why the thread is entitled "Newbie tries his first grow".

I do appreciate you clogging up my thread with your useless negative comments.

To recap

1. I bought the wrong pH meter, but you can't tell me the right one; and,
2. I can't expect much bud anyway.

Wonder why I bother? Tool.
baking soda works very well

What's going on everyone, new here (1st post) --anyway, I'm about to attempt my first grow using some germinating seeds I've been collecting (really wish I kept the good stains seperate/labeled to differentiate from what was alright/crap). I really could care less, since I'm basicly using it for practice/experience. To the point, I heard baking soda brings the ph up, and vinegar brings it down? So how much should I use percent-wise and how should I add it?:? Thanks in advance.


Well-Known Member
I havent had to use baking soda yet but usually a milk bottle cap full of vinegar every 2 gallons works well for me(sorry to be so ghetto with my measuring)


Well-Known Member
ztrmhkr I find it hard to believe you on the meter thing. I have checked around 3 walmarts here and none of them even carry a pool meter, AND they don't usually carry that stuff anyways, it's too technical for a general purpose store to carry. Btw you are supposed to post on a thread to help or comment, not to bash people on their first grow. Quit being a jerk. PERIOD.


Active Member
Time for another update. I've been flowering for 2 weeks (12/12 with about 800 w equiv for 3 plants). Fertilizing with Oure Blend Organic Bloom. Just added some carbs too.

These pictures are of the cropped plant (two main colas)

This is the whole plant - approx 30% growth last two weeks

Here is the bud on Cola "A"

Bud on Cola "B"



Active Member
Here is another plant - this one I didn't crop, and it's quite a bit bigger.

Full plant

Top Cola (check out the crystals)

Closeup of crystals

Secondary Bud growth coming through now


Active Member
Here is a shot of the top cola flowering after 1 week, 2 weeks and 3 weeks:

Week 1__________________________Week 2 ____________________ Week 3