Newbie Trying To Clone, First Time..HELP


New Member
i just cloned three girls today. but i dont know if i cut them in the right spots.. i think i did.. they are in peat pellets right now..

i have a question, since i just cloned them today is it ok that i have them under a 50w LED light i have.. its the only light i have right now for them..

they are in humidity domes also.. soon as i get my tent then i can make a veg room..
that would be for bout 2 weeks..

but are the LED lights gonna hurt my plants???:shock:


Well-Known Member
I´m no expert on cloning but i´ve had a few going for about a week now, Cut them just under their third node and then dipped them in some rooting hormone. They wilted for about 24 hrs after I put them in soil so was advised to take them out and put the tips in a bit of water and leave them in the dark for 8hrs. This did the trick and they were standing nice and firm again. Been keeping them in a humid dome for the last week, spraying every few hours. They are in daylight (not direct sun) during the day and put them under a few CFl´s at night, so far they are looking good and checked on one the other day and its starting to show a swollen whitish end, on the part of the stem submerged in soil which I believe is a precursor to roots forming so so far so good. I think as long as you keep them moist and humid with some light they should eventually root, it just takes some patience. Good luck though!


New Member
I´m no expert on cloning but i´ve had a few going for about a week now, Cut them just under their third node and then dipped them in some rooting hormone. They wilted for about 24 hrs after I put them in soil so was advised to take them out and put the tips in a bit of water and leave them in the dark for 8hrs. This did the trick and they were standing nice and firm again. Been keeping them in a humid dome for the last week, spraying every few hours. They are in daylight (not direct sun) during the day and put them under a few CFl´s at night, so far they are looking good and checked on one the other day and its starting to show a swollen whitish end, on the part of the stem submerged in soil which I believe is a precursor to roots forming so so far so good. I think as long as you keep them moist and humid with some light they should eventually root, it just takes some patience. Good luck though!
thankx for ur help, that might be way the to do it


Well-Known Member
I´ve never worked with LED´s before so not sure but as long as they get a decent amount of light without getting too hot the should be fine. The important thing is to keep them moist and humid as they absorb water through their leaves until a root system develops. Also if they are in a dome open it up a few times a day to allow and exchange of gases.


New Member
I´ve never worked with LED´s before so not sure but as long as they get a decent amount of light without getting too hot the should be fine. The important thing is to keep them moist and humid as they absorb water through their leaves until a root system develops. Also if they are in a dome open it up a few times a day to allow and exchange of gases.
good idea, dint know that bout letting them out a couple times a day..:peace:


Active Member
good idea, dint know that bout letting them out a couple times a day..:peace:
i too just had my first stint with clones the first time about 3 weeks ago i took 3 cuttings with 3 nodes about 3 inches tall i cut the bottom node that was at the base off then scored the stem the first try i used peat pellets with root tone in 2 clear solo cups taped on top of each other 2 didnt make it the other one is stunted the second time i used rockwool cubes and olivias cloning gel and all 3 made it and look healthy i dont know much about led's as im in my first indoor grow good luck dude


Active Member
look am no expert neither, but my first two clones was cut without nodes and without root hormones and within two weeks i had roots, those clones today are growing lovely.

here are pics of my very first clones, i used jiffy peet and a humidity dome under a single lamp florescent light and kept it in my bathroom.

after the roots poped out, i transplanted them to soil along with the jiffy peet.



New Member
look am no expert neither, but my first two clones was cut without nodes and without root hormones and within two weeks i had roots, those clones today are growing lovely.

here are pics of my very first clones, i used jiffy peet and a humidity dome under a single lamp florescent light and kept it in my bathroom.

after the roots poped out, i transplanted them to soil along with the jiffy peet.
yeah mine were cloned two day ago.. i cant wait till they get bigger. that will be awesum. i just hope they make it that


Also not an expert here, I have cloned a bunch now and am at 100% success. I select a branch that has at least 1 one off-set node and is at least 4" long. I make the cut on a 45 degree angle and put it right into clonex. Once I have all my cuts I moisten some Rapid Rooters and use a bamboo kabob skewer to make sure the hole in the RR is good and deep. I then put the clones in the RR and put the RR into a cup with perlite and put some water in. Keep the water level about 1/3 of the way up the cup (I use a clear-ish cup so I can see when the roots hit the side and then I know it is transplant time) and I always get roots within 10 days. Easy peasy.