newbie wanting to grow the shit


Active Member
i'm wanting to start growing a plant or so in my closet. I have never done this before, but i figure with some tips i can achieve this...



Well-Known Member
Read the grow Faq on this website all the way thru and then re read each section as you grow. Also download some ebooks on the subject and read them. It is all basically the same info just a little different.

Then decide on if you are going hydro or soil.

Get some flourescents to veg with and an HPS to flower with and you shouldn't have too many problems. The first grow plan on making mistakes, it's unavoidable. By the 3rd grow you should have everything down pretty good.


alright, whats the difference between hydro orsoil and also whats the word veg and flower mean? and whats an hps???
really you can tcome here and expect others to do the work for you spend a week in the FAQ so at least you have a clue of whats going on