Newbie wanting to grow white widow cheapest way possible and discrete.

basically i wanna grow some nice dank but two problems ive got basically no budget and i live with my mum. so i need to know is windowsill growing effiecent in london.... and also where to purchase some white widow. thanks for your time.


Well-Known Member
how old are you? if you are of age then you can get seeds legitimate ways. if not, then i guess we will have to go a bit covert! lol
lol im 18 so yh ill buy them legit. and i dont think my mum would be very happy lol. basically its really hard to ust find a ince easy simple guide of how to grow weed. i wanna do it the cheapest way on a window ledge but i was wondering if you could use just a normal lamp to help boost it that little bit ?

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
you've got to be pretty selfish if you're willing to run the risk of giving your mum a criminal record for a bit of pot


Sector 5 Moderator
White widow gets HUGE. If you're going to do a stealth grow in your mum's place I would suggest you get some autoflowering seeds and totally forget the WW.


Well-Known Member
buy a wardrobe - get a few cheap FLU's and then a little fan in it - make sure you have window open at all times and door locked - you shud be ok with ONE plant just dont get greedy! u can buy seeds on the internet - get some cheap miracle grow and some pretty basic grow/bloom nutes and ur away
ENGLAND123 you see the FLU lights (and by FLU im guessing you mean flurecent) whats the high of the electric bill gonna be ? lol cause im sure shell be suspisious when the bill comes to a ridicolous amout

newb weed grower

Active Member
im in a similar situation im using a storm shelter with chains iand such why not attemp a closet grow make a grow box of some sort u know u dont wanna be caught and well ur mom would be in serious trouble im 18 and my mom is ok with my grow only because its under a lock and key the smell of white widow is something to be appreciated u wont ba able to hide it in an enclosed space just not gonna happen
if possible get an old pc box and attemp to make a comp box also dont grow the widow will get gigantic
and u wanna be discrete
make sure to flower fast off so that its small and dont get caught
oh and if possible u should really find a way of doing this elsehere house with a mom theat cleans and stuff bad idea man
as uve heard alredy dont get ur mum in any trouble


Well-Known Member
Guys englands a different place with our laws u probably get a slap on the wrists and a fine provided you have no more than 3 plants or any evidence of intent to supply ie scales bags etc.
WEEDMISTER, i strongly advise you at least get your mum to agree to it cuz it will be fucking hard trying to hide it i can assure you, ive tried.

Now if you really want to know how to grow weed cheap and stealthily, welcome to my thread :

Scroungers Guide to the Stealth Cabinet
