Newbie: What's wrong with my leaves


Well-Known Member
Gonna have to post pics M8

Not to many peeps on here respond to posts without pics when it deals with plant issues.




Not to many peeps on here respond to posts without pics when it deals with plant issues.



Thanks! heres a pick of the effects all of the lower leaves - I had read up some on it and it sorta sounds like thrips but not sure if its like a deficiency or what. Any help is appreciated, thanks!


Well-Known Member
Looks like mites to me. Might be some other kind of bug. What kind of setup are you running? If it isn't bugs, foliar feed them with a complete fertilizer. The kind you would use for hydroponics.


Roots Organics soil...Roots organics budda grow every other watering day...3 250W CFLs for veg - waiting for the plants to get a healthy and bigger before i turn on the 400W HPS

I had thought mites but..the underside of the leaves are fine..and the top leaves aren't effected..its a scrog setup so most of the leaves near the bottom and underneath all look like that - not sure how to fix the problem...growth has been slow lately - i started foliar feeding a couple days ago - ph of my water is about 5 and change - I was looking into Don't Bug Me from fox farm or neem oil just don't want to stress the plant too much if i don't have too


Well-Known Member
See the silvery sheen, more than likely Thrips. They will also slow growth dramatically. Mites cause white spots where they sucked the juice out of the leaf and created cell damage. I'm sure that is bug damage and not a deficiency of any kind. Take a closer look at your leaves and watch for anything moving. If you have a magnifier or a jewelers loop, helps a lot. Peace!!