Newbie with a couple concerns

This is killing me I can bring Orchids back from the dead and any other plant i touch grows beautiful this is the first one ive had a problem with.


Well-Known Member
OK, last page you mentioned 3 weeks old.
I will admit, I didn't read the first 3/4 of your thread, but I'll try and help.
I started feeding in MG moisture control, (which lot of people cry will burn) at 3 weeks from sprout, and I germ my seeds in the solo cups.
Your yellowing looks like a Cal. deficiency, but rather than try doing anything specific if you have not fed yet, (assuming your PH is good), if it was me, I would start a feeding schedule, starting with a light dose of the recommended amount for the first couple times, using a "feed, water, water, feed" schedule, then increase it after a week or so to the full dose and keep an eye on it.
Here's a couple charts that you can save, that may help you in the future.;)
PS, your curled edges look like it might be heat related, but again, I confess lack of reading.View attachment 2697087PHRANGECHART_zpsddd4a5c5.gif
Have you had good luck with the MG. also will that fix the problems i am having. What ratio do you cut the nutes at and also have you had good luck with it.


New Member

Mate, trust me, let it dry out a touch, get some Cal/Mag powder. What are you using to feed? Do you have measuring equipment like a pH meter and EC/PPM meter?

OK let me tell you where your big problem comes in going from other plants to this: The medium. It is in coco, coco holds onto Calcium and does not make it available easily.

GHE Mineral Magic increases the CEC of the medium helping it let go of nutrients more easily, bringing you one step closer to a soil-like experience. One teaspoon around base of plant. If your pH is too high or too low, it also does not release nutrients to the plant. You want a pH of 5.8 there bro.

Had the same problems, what I am recommending worked within HOURS. First let it dry, then feed with pH 5.8 nute solution at an EC of 1.5, get your EC to 1.4 first using vegging nutes and then push it to 1.5 using the Cal/Mag.

You can try placing it on a heating mat at 25 degrees C to help the pots dry out a bit faster, but that is about it.

Otherwise, re-pot into bigger pots RIGHT NOW with your medium just slightly damp, just slightly. Bet you find the bottom of these pots all waterlogged.

My final advice to you, Sir, take it or leave it.


New Member
And when you water, make sure it runs off out the pot otherwise you'll just build up a ton of nutes in the pot and kill the plant.
Kush--- thanks for all your help through this i will read this all in depth after work today and act accordingly. May have a few more questions if you could still lend a hand. Thanks

Bakatare--- i wrote a response to you just wondering if you had a response thanks in advance.
So I just got home and i got big problems just picked up moisture readers and gonna get the cal/mag tomorrow. Can i get the mineral magic at like an Agway or online only and im picking up the ph stuff tomorrow also. I havent watered them for 2 days but they keep getting worse. Im trying to follow your directions KUSH but i dont underatand the acronyms. Sorry man.
image.jpgBig problems they are dieing now leaves are dead now and everything. I let them completely dry out and i just now gave them half strength MG Tomato. Ordered Cal/mag cant find it locally gonna be first of the week before i get it.


Well-Known Member
If someone passed me those plants right now, this is what I would do (not saying it is right).

Transplant immediately into larger pots with good soil. I would prepare the pot the night before and water it with a veg nutrient.
After sitting all night and draining out the excess moisture, it would be ready for transplant. At that point I would do nothing until the planter was dry and light.
If someone passed me those plants right now, this is what I would do (not saying it is right).

Transplant immediately into larger pots with good soil. I would prepare the pot the night before and water it with a veg nutrient.
After sitting all night and draining out the excess moisture, it would be ready for transplant. At that point I would do nothing until the planter was dry and light.

Okay i can do that what medium should i use and remember i waited till they were dry and just today fed with the MG Tomato at half strength, Let it run out of the bottom and dumped the excess from the trays. Should i use a coco/perlite medium or like a MG Moisture control.