newbie with a couple of ?'s about Water Farm


Active Member
I recently acquired WATER FARM COMPLETE HYDROPONIC SYSTEM that comes with: 4 gallon reservoir ,2 gallon growing chamber , Pumping column, column support tube, drip ring, 1/2" gromment, drain level tube,
, Elite 800 air pump , 9L Hydroton and the 3 part Flora series.

This is my very first time to attempt indoor hydro. I am at a point in my life that my "grow box" needs to be stealth.

1. I am using the one WF so what type-size grow box would you guys suggest i buy or build w/ a budget of $200.00?

2.for my first grow what is the easiest type seed ,(strain) to learn on?

3. Is there a web site or suggestion that would give me a specific list of specs. for a stealth grow box (light wattage , fans, beginer info.)that would be most compatable w/ the one WATER FARM COMPLETE HYDROPONIC SYSTEM .

4. I have a utility closet in my garage that is 8' X 6' w, plenty of power.

T.I.A By the way, You guys do an awesome job of helping Newbies w/ good info.


Well-Known Member
This is my very first time to attempt indoor hydro. I am at a point in my life that my "grow box" needs to be stealth.
i'm not too sure about the stealth part, but i'll make recommendations otherwise

1. I am using the one WF so what type-size grow box would you guys suggest i buy or build w/ a budget of $200.00?
i would suggest you build something, at the very least a 4x4x7, as you can grow 1lb yielding trees in the waterfarm systems (and hydro plants have a tendency to get BIG if you veg them for any length at all)

2.for my first grow what is the easiest type seed ,(strain) to learn on?
northern lights. awesome vigor, can't kill it, excellent potency

3. Is there a web site or suggestion that would give me a specific list of specs. for a stealth grow box (light wattage , fans, beginer info.)that would be most compatable w/ the one WATER FARM COMPLETE HYDROPONIC SYSTEM .
i doubt it... i use a 1000w hps, a good light to learn on is a 400w hps, as long as you can cool it. in the end, more light generally means more yield.

4. I have a utility closet in my garage that is 8' X 6' w, plenty of power.
and you want to build a cab? why?! :p throw that sucker in there and veg for 4 months :mrgreen:

T.I.A By the way, You guys do an awesome job of helping Newbies w/ good info.
shhh, don't tell anybody, it's a secret!


Well-Known Member
also make sure to name your babies once you know they are females. This will build a bond between you and your babies. There is nothing like spending time with the little sweethearts and frolicking and

good luck~


Well-Known Member
what? I love naming my girls and then spending time with them. It is very theraputic..............lmao


Active Member
Thanks mr. ganga,
The reason i want to build a grow box in the utility closet is so the younger members of my family wont see a plant in teir hiding place. I simply was wondering what size box would be most efficient for the one water farm planter. i want to include space for lights, venting. etc. the smaller the better.
There is also a hot water heater and central air unit in the closet i thought might affect the plant if the water farm was not inclosed.

I am going to buid a grow box 4l x 3w x 4h if you agree.

T.I A.

beenthere donethat

Well-Known Member
What about a full size file cabinet or storage cab from a Thrift store...etc?
You know...double doors...24-30" deep...6 ft or so tall...something that can lock...and can sit in a garage or utility room and not be out of place...

I can tell you now that 4 ft tall WON'T be enough with a WF plant! It will grow that tall in 4 weeks in VEG alone...

go 400 switchable or digital on the ballast so you can veg/bloom in place in the same cab. ...get a good inline fan and a charcoal filter... work on ventilation most...keep it cool...trim it to form a canopy or SCROG it...and'll grow some fine weed.

seeds...strains... kp has a good rec. or..the best INDICA bagseed you can find. The skunkier it was da better.


Active Member
that is a great idea about the cabinent .I am about to head up to home depot and look for a rubbermaid type cabinent . Woulde 6ft. be tall enough?
Can i find the switchable or digital ballast @ HD or locally?
Also, I live in very hot and extermley humid area. This utilty closet does not have air cond. . will the fan in the grow cabinent provide enough cool air for growth?

Thanks alot. Great info.


Well-Known Member
that is a great idea about the cabinent .I am about to head up to home depot and look for a rubbermaid type cabinent . Woulde 6ft. be tall enough?
maybe so, my light is at 7 feet right now, i'm using a bucket of similar size to the water farms, i vegged for a full 8 weeks. if you veg for 4 weeks, you may can squeeze them into 6' vertical

Can i find the switchable or digital ballast @ HD or locally?
no, sorry, the closest thing is an electronic supply store, and they will rob you worse than a hydro shop

Also, I live in very hot and extermley humid area. This utilty closet does not have air cond. . will the fan in the grow cabinent provide enough cool air for growth?
sorry, but no. you'll have to put a fan to bring in cold air from outside the room, or run some ac ducting. hps lights get very very hot...