Newbie with questions on soil


Active Member
So I'm in the market for some DE to add to the much do you guys recommend adding per cu/ft? One of the shops by my house had a small box of it last time I went in...but I just checked and found some larger bags on ebay for decent price...just not sure how much I need.



Well-Known Member
I'd go light on it. It can easily make a soil mud. I don't use it much any longer. I used to add it for pest control, but find it's likely the least effective anti-pest amendment I use. Instead, I use Crab Shell Meal, Neem meal, predatory Nematodes and BTI dunks.

I would not add more than 1/2 cup per cubic foot of soil. A cubic foot is 7.5 liquid gallons.


Active Member
Rrog I can always count on you for the best in depth info!

What do use for silica? The Agsil 16H? Do you add that to the soil or mix it in your water?


Well-Known Member
Folks I know think it's good in the soil and added to some tea or foliar. Agsil 16H yes sir. My grow is down while I move but I'll be using it soon enough.


Active Member
Back to Biochar, want to make a batch of it soon. About how long would you suggest letting it sit in water with the Alfalfa? Also, about how much per/cuft should I add?



Well-Known Member
I'd soak overnight with some worm castings. maybe a gallon of char, 2 gallons water and a fistful of alfalfa couple tablespoons EWC.

Some guys add a lot of this. I think 2-4 cups per cubic foot would be a great range.


Active Member
Alright, hopefully making some biochar next week...

transplanted all 6 today into 3gallon dirt pots...i used about 1/2 707, 1/4 h/f, and 1/4 local compost...added some dolmite, local humate dust the guy I bought the compost from gave me and some alfalfa...i ran out of 707 and happy frog for the last 2 so I threw in my soil mix with 1/4 local compost...topped off all 6 with some high grade ewc...i know I prolly shouldn't have used the soil mix yet but im really strapped for cash at the moment and these ladies were root bound already so I went for it...

Watered each with a fresh aact from the shop down the street...hopefully they like it


Active Member
hey guys ladies doing well, even the 2 in the premature mix...I have noticed the soil is getting a bit compact in those though. Definitely, need more aeration. Haven't got around to making biochar yet but hopefully this week.

I have a question, I purchased some agsil 16h online but also just found an ad on cl for 50+ lbs of de for free...and its only a couple miles from i sent an email and will hopefully be getting it. Since I'm gonna be using the agsil, should I even add the DE to mix? Also, would it be wise to add the DE to my veggie garden's soil?


Well-Known Member
I would not use the DE. I found it tightens the soil and reduces aeration. Hope that raw Alfalfa doesn't burn.


Active Member
Cool, thanks for the info. Yeah, there is a bit of nitrogen burn on em, but it's not too bad at this point. I'll keep you updated on things :). Can't wait to get some silica in there!


Active Member
Rrog, got my Agsil 16H today...about how much should I add per gallon?

Also, made my first batch of biochar...gonna mix it in my soil today. Watered with LAB for the first time last week, insane how well they responded. All 6 lookin beautiful!


Well-Known Member
1 tsp per gallon is on the weak side. Less is more, though.

Great news on the Biochar! Glad you're having fun with all of this. Thanks for posting and sharing.


Well-Known Member
good thread on soil discussion! just friendly bumping because I owe this thread something for reading it all in one sitting...bongsmilie


Active Member
making an AACT today and I notice my jar of LAB (20 to 1 molasses/lactobacillus) has mold on the top that normal?


Well-Known Member
No, not normal. . Should be 1:1 LAB to Molasses, then some dilution in water, like 20:1 or whatever.


Active Member
Hmm, strange. LAB to Molasses was just about 1:1...I ran out of Molasses but it was damn near 1:1. Then diluted 20:1 with RO water... I'm thinking maybe it has to do with the jar Im using...I cleaned it out but it did have cat food in previously...gonna thoroughly disinfect it and let it sit empty for a few days, then try a new batch. The jar with just the 1:1 molasses/LAB has no mold, so all I need to do is dilute 20:1 again.


Well-Known Member
Give it another whirl. I give 2 days to collect,then 2 days to get stinky / get a film on top, then 2-3 days in the milk.
Hey Sullivan666, I am new to this forum. Here i see that you have good experience with soil so i have a question regarding soil and that is. I want to know about termite. I heared that it actually comes from soil down under the house. I need to know if it comes from soil then how can we judge that this soil is termite effected or the termite is include in it and can damage your entire home??
