

Well-Known Member
New to the foram's.Not to enjoying the good stuff.well was a very very bad year and everything that could go wrong has.Out door's is a thing of the past...sorry to all the critter's but no more free high's:eyesmoke:.All ways had great luck putting a few seed's in the ground and wahla enjoy it with very little work:blsmoke:....well Bad thing's happend and now gone to inside and going to need all the help I can get... so Any of you guy's that can give me good tip's and info that will help me to flowers fast as possable please help


Well-Known Member
I need a budget and how much space you have to play with.

Then we can get to work on putting something together !



Well-Known Member
I need a budget and how much space you have to play with.

Then we can get to work on putting something together !

to start with My space is 4 foot x 5 foot and 7 foot a 400w hps light good to strat and 167. with the hood a fair price? I have all way's growed in horse or sheep crap, but need that fastest yeild this time. ..I can vent the lil area that i have and over time when funds permit I have a 9 x10 area...Thanks for the responce mouse


Well-Known Member
Do you maintain a successful garden outdoors ? I mean to gauge your experience with plants ?

So you have 400 bucks and a 400 hps ?

Got any fertiliser lying around ?

Pots ?

Soil ?

PH or EC Meter ?

You may need a bit more cash if you really want to max out that 400 buy I am sure we can work with less. I certainly started with a lot less but now my gear is all pimped out :)

does your space have doors already or do we need to make em ?

Sorry lots and lots of questions.

Just keep the answers coming :) we will get there.



Well-Known Member
Well I did ok out side in past for a country boy with no meter's and no store bough fertiliser's just the stuff out the farm animals. horse crap worked the best for me..just droped seed's and when i seen sack's i pulled the male's,but for some reson the past few years the plants stayed real short as in a foot tall, my inside Space has a door .closet to my spair room when funds permit the room will be full. was looking at the HYDROPONIC GROW KIT SYSTEM. seen some you tube video's.. and real shocked how they got so much out of a 5 gallon water plant.What I really need is the fastest turn over with the most yeild ...long story,but it's going to be a long hard winter for me


Well-Known Member
I do have some sheep crap and horse crap, lot's of 5 gal bucket's, few floresent light's Sorry if my spelling suck's. Well water that has a hit of sulfer in it ,some time's worse then other's. The wall's are white in my lil space that I will start with.I will have a ph tester and a tds meter on the way so i can do thing's the rite way.Never tried chemical's,but from the look's of thing's I will have to start,Never did any cologn's,but have some good seed's that will need to be cologned. In the past the only way I was able to sex was to watch for the pollen sack's on the male's to start and pull them.I do have a few timer's


Well-Known Member
HYDRO is hard. Dont start with it. Use soil and full nutrient regime first its hard enough to do that never mind hydro.

Ok I would line the inside with mylar for start. (Panda plastic).

Hang the light so you can adjust it. I highly recommend a heat shield or an air cooled hood you will not regret it you will be able to get your lights a lot lower and look up 'Inverse square law' its really important.

You will need ventilation I recommend a large inline fan I use two RVK 150 L1's. You will need one and a carbon filter for definite.

Got pots and stuff ?



Well-Known Member
HYDRO is hard. Dont start with it. Use soil and full nutrient regime first its hard enough to do that never mind hydro.

Ok I would line the inside with mylar for start. (Panda plastic).

Hang the light so you can adjust it. I highly recommend a heat shield or an air cooled hood you will not regret it you will be able to get your lights a lot lower and look up 'Inverse square law' its really important.

You will need ventilation I recommend a large inline fan I use two RVK 150 L1's. You will need one and a carbon filter for definite.

Got pots and stuff ?



Well-Known Member
PS a temperature controller is highly recommended. it will save you some massive headaches.

Mineral nutrients IMO yield better than organics and tend to be more potent.

I yet again find myself recommending the full house and garden line but you will pay through the nose for some of their products but they do work and they have an easy to follow schedule online that will give you results.

Well water with sulfur in it is bad. got tap water ? what kind of ppm and ph is it ?

You will also need PH adjusters to mod the PH of your feeds and water.

Just a heads up in a 10 litre pot and good soil I veg for a over a month and flower for 2 weeks without feeding anything other than some roots boosters.

Hope that helps.


PS Any questions ?


Well-Known Member
What would be a good light to start with ? I see stuff about led's,but all so read they suck' so I am kinda lost.And this need's to be done rite the fist time as there is no room for mistake's


Well-Known Member
will find out what the ph is when tester show's up .If the sulpher is no good I can get water from another well .What about water from a stream? I plain on getting ph up and down, sensi cal, all from valleyhydroponics or should I deal with someone else and anything else I should get that I will need


Well-Known Member
The LED lights will set you back over 1000 you can get cheaper ones but I wouldnt touch anything sub 700 dollars or so. HID lighting works, its proven and people get massive yields. 600 watt HID lighting being the most efficient lumen per watt lights.

Have a look at my Journal : there is a lot of useful information in there on how I grow and apparently my tent is fairly pimped. My tent is fully temperature controlled with air cooled lighting and everything is dialled in very carefully.

Have you looked up inverse square law yet ? DO IT NOW !



Well-Known Member
Stream water might be good just keep and eye on the PPM's and PH. I use tap water left for 24 hours to allow the chlorine to evaporate. The water changes ph from 7.2 to 7.7 and has to be lowered using a mild ph down solution.

There is a thread on the forum called 'Water the most essential compound' it is an excellent read and well worth looking at.



Well-Known Member
The PPM of my water is 280 and I consider that the boarder of needing and RO filter for my water. I dont use one yet but I am seriously debating it.



Well-Known Member would this be a good filter ? Thank's for the info so far.I been reading for many hour's now and will so much diffrent information I am seeing double and I have not even got into the fresh midget kill yet, what would cause me to have dwarf's for the past few year's. color's look ok see if I can post a picture,but I had to let them seed this year not knowing if I was able to find seed's and not trusting having seed's sent to my house


Well-Known Member
Yeah that looks ok for a a fan filter combo. I would seriously recommend the temp controller tho I use an SMSCOM one.

and lookup the air cooled supernova's and cooltubes I use supernova's I know a lot of people who use cooltubes. this ties in massively with inverse square law which I want you to look up !

I will explain if you have any questions but you should really have read up on it majorly.

Order good stable genetics to a friends house if you have to. Most seed banks do stealth delivery. Having good genetics is a staple of growing efficiently.



Well-Known Member
Im sorry to tell you you need to learn more but honestly the more you learn now the more you will later receive in yield and quality.



Well-Known Member
Have you looked up inverse square law yet ? DO IT NOW !

thank's I just read this And got an idea that the closer to the light the stronger it will be for the plant,but not to the point where it will burn..With a vent on A therm switch I will be able to control the temps of the area.First shot inside has to be cheep as posible and as time goes on I will be able to pimp it out ;-)